Eating brekky makes me hungry all day!

U dont usually eat breakfast. I eat brunch at 11-12pm. And dinner at 6-7pm. But since i started eating breakfast at 9am. I ended up eating again at 11, 2pm, 5pm and dinner at 7pm and snacks at night time. Because i feel so hungry. I usually eat everything and dont gain weight until i have two kids. I just gave birth 4months ago and i feel so ugly and desperate.
My weight before is 119lbs and im 5'6. Now im 147 with big thigh and tummy. My husband always call me Fat and its really annoying!


  • jinna86
    jinna86 Posts: 93
    Is there a reason you feel you need to eat breakfast? You should like someone who might enjoy intermittent fasting instead
  • Meg_Shirley_86
    Meg_Shirley_86 Posts: 275 Member
    Breakfast, in and of itself, is not important. Only when I got far along in my pregnancy did I even want it, but at any other time in my life, it has just made me ravenously hungry by 10 or 11. People chime in and say, "Have oatmeal and some fruit", or give other advice as to what is balanced and filling enough to keep me full. It doesn't matter. I would still be hungry. If it is easier for you to plan your day around not having breakfast, then do it. When/ how often you eat have nothing to do with weight loss.
  • ms_leanne
    ms_leanne Posts: 523
    Your husband needs a kick up the *kitten*!
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Skip breakfast then
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    Which is exactly why I stopped eating breakfast. It is the devil. Makes me hungry all day, and I find myself clock watching waiting for lunch. No thank you. Eating more times in the day does NOT "boost" metabolism. If anything, it just makes me gain weight because I'm always hungry.

    A light lunch and a good dinner is all I need. Sometimes not even today.
  • Linda916
    Linda916 Posts: 124 Member
    Eating breakfast has always been a challenge for me because, for the most part, I just don't feel like it. Then when oatmeal hit the trend circuit I tried that in the mornings- I would be so famished within an hour or two!!

    I just started Intermittent Fasting (IF) four weeks ago. I only eat between 12:00-8:00pm. I start with a protein shake and then work my way into a meal of veggies and proteins only. I add complex carbs to my meal at dinner only. I follow up with dessert of a protein powder and fruit smoothie, or greek yogurt (sometimes with some dark chocolate chips!). Before noon, I drink plenty of water and have two cups of black coffee.

    I used to eat four small meals and a snack. Now I consume the same number of calories per day but I only eat between 12:00-8:00.

    My plan was to do this IF for six weeks and see how it works out. So far, I have busted thru my plateau and I actually have more energy thru the day than when I was eating four meals and a snack!

    Different things work for different bodies. You have to figure out what works for you and yours. Good Luck!
  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    I'm another IFer, my eating window is 11am-7pm :)
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Skip breakfast then

    ^ This. I skip breakfast most days when I'm cutting.
  • chloeshotmom
    Is there a reason you feel you need to eat breakfast? You should like someone who might enjoy intermittent fasting instead

    i read that eating breakfast will help losing weight. i want to try everything just to lose weight. but now that i have read all your posts i know i can skip breakfast again... :)
  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    Is there a reason you feel you need to eat breakfast? You should like someone who might enjoy intermittent fasting instead

    i read that eating breakfast will help losing weight. i want to try everything just to lose weight. but now that i have read all your posts i know i can skip breakfast again... :)

    It might help some people, but judging from what you've written, it probably won't help you. Many people are doing just fine without breakfast, and if you don't want to eat it, then don't.
  • AKbluedragonfly
    AKbluedragonfly Posts: 79 Member
    I think it's a matter of WHAT you're eating for breakfast. If you're eating something with a high glycemic index (cereal, oatmeal, toast, energy bars, doughnuts) it will raise your blood sugar and give you energy, but within an hour or two your blood sugar will drop and you will become hungry again. It's a vicious cycle. NOT eating breakfast prevents that from happening, so often times we feel less hungry when we skip breakfast because we didn't have a blood sugar spike.
  • gluten_free_girl
    Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! I don't know what you're eating, but the wrong breakfast could be the cause of your problem. I always eat 2 eggs and 1/2 a grapefruit for breakfast. If I don't, I'll binge later on. It helps to have protein and fats and not high sugar or high carb foods! :)
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    Here are my go to breakfasts: a hard boiled egg and a banana, a smoothie with two percent plain greek yogurt, frozen strawberries, milk, and stevia to sweeten it, a one egg, two egg white omlette with veggies, turkey ham and/or low fat cheese. If you are eating refined carbs for breakfast, that will make you hungry ALL day. Protein, veggies, and fruit are staples for me now because they keep me from being hungry. I don't agree that you should skip breakfast, just eat smart. Good luck!
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I've tried lots of different things, and I agree with you that breakfast does make some people more hungry. I just eat and eat all day if I eat early in the morning, so I just eat whenever I get hungry. I guess I probably do some warped version of IF, but I don't do it formally.

    I saw this posted in another thread a week or so ago:
  • gfroniewski
    gfroniewski Posts: 168
    I am sorry, but you guys are way off! It is better to have a whole, balanced breakfast in the morning to get your metabolism going throughout the day. The earlier you eat something, the longer you have throughout the day to burn it. If you make breakfast one of your biggest meals (and make it filling and nutritious) you have all the time in the world to burn off those calories.

    If you skip breakfast like most people and make dinner your largest meal of the day, guess what? You are going sleepy time and all those calories are stuck inside you. I know, I know we process even when we are sleeping, but c'mon...obviously not as much during waking time.

    DON'T skip breakfast. If anything I try to make it my largest meal of the day. Granted, I eat 5-6 small meals a day, so breakfast usually tops out at 500 calories.

    In short, if you are trying to lose fat and you workout intensely, having breakfast is pretty important.

    Also, thank you for posting those studies. They are all well and good, but if you look closely a lot of them support what I am saying even if they don't outright state higher meal frequency burns more fat yadda yadda. For instance, in the first study, the people are all on sporadic activity schedules. There are examples from the other studies that go both ways, but my point with this is that I am speaking for highly active individuals engaged in a high intensity workout regimen.

    There is just no convincing me that skipping a meal, especially the one that gets you up and going to start your metabolism, is bad.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I am sorry, but you guys are way off! It is better to have a whole, balanced breakfast in the morning to get your metabolism going throughout the day. The earlier you eat something, the longer you have throughout the day to burn it. If you make breakfast one of your biggest meals (and make it filling and nutritious) you have all the time in the world to burn off those calories.

    If you skip breakfast like most people and make dinner your largest meal of the day, guess what? You are going sleepy time and all those calories are stuck inside you. I know, I know we process even when we are sleeping, but c'mon...obviously not as much during waking time.

    DON'T skip breakfast. If anything I try to make it my largest meal of the day. Granted, I eat 5-6 small meals a day, so breakfast usually tops out at 500 calories.

    In short, if you are trying to lose fat and you workout intensely, having breakfast is pretty important.

    Also, thank you for posting those studies. They are all well and good, but if you look closely a lot of them support what I am saying even if they don't outright state higher meal frequency burns more fat yadda yadda. For instance, in the first study, the people are all on sporadic activity schedules. There are examples from the other studies that go both ways, but my point with this is that I am speaking for highly active individuals engaged in a high intensity workout regimen.

    There is just no convincing me that skipping a meal, especially the one that gets you up and going to start your metabolism, is bad.

    Yea. Gotta rev that furnace. :laugh:
  • gfroniewski
    gfroniewski Posts: 168
    ^^^ Yessir!

    P.S. If you are hungry that means your body is processing food and your metabolism is working. FEED IT!
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    I am sorry, but you guys are way off! It is better to have a whole, balanced breakfast in the morning to get your metabolism going throughout the day. The earlier you eat something, the longer you have throughout the day to burn it. If you make breakfast one of your biggest meals (and make it filling and nutritious) you have all the time in the world to burn off those calories.

    If you skip breakfast like most people and make dinner your largest meal of the day, guess what? You are going sleepy time and all those calories are stuck inside you. I know, I know we process even when we are sleeping, but c'mon...obviously not as much during waking time.

    DON'T skip breakfast. If anything I try to make it my largest meal of the day. Granted, I eat 5-6 small meals a day, so breakfast usually tops out at 500 calories.

    In short, if you are trying to lose fat and you workout intensely, having breakfast is pretty important.

    Also, thank you for posting those studies. They are all well and good, but if you look closely a lot of them support what I am saying even if they don't outright state higher meal frequency burns more fat yadda yadda. For instance, in the first study, the people are all on sporadic activity schedules. There are examples from the other studies that go both ways, but my point with this is that I am speaking for highly active individuals engaged in a high intensity workout regimen.

    There is just no convincing me that skipping a meal, especially the one that gets you up and going to start your metabolism, is bad.

    I do the exact opposite of this. I never eat before 11, except black coffee, and I often eat 2 meals a day, one as late as 10 or later at night. And dinners. Think massive calorie bombs of epic proportions.

    Results are to the left.
  • iggyboo93
    iggyboo93 Posts: 524 Member
    Breakfast is my favorite meal. I have a couple of unsalted hard boiled eggs and a cup of coffee with half/half. It kicks starts my day and holds me over for 3 hours until my late morning snack. It's different for everyone.