fitbit flex

Hello! Feel free to add me, would love to start challenges with other users. :)


  • VinothrajJ
    VinothrajJ Posts: 3 Member
    URL to find you would be helpful...
  • RedRockChic
    RedRockChic Posts: 69 Member
    Hey Hi! Welcome on.. I've been using the Flex for about 1 1/2 months, but have just started using the Charge HR.

    I would be willing to do challenges with ya tho.. I think the flex and Charge have enough of the same features to challenge each other with!

    So, do you know what your average daily count is?

  • titchterry
    titchterry Posts: 9 Member

    I'm not too sure how to find my Url? Could you possible tell me and I will post it.

    I've been using it for roughly a month now, my average varies between 10,000-20,000 a day. How much do you average?

  • Kathrynha77
    Kathrynha77 Posts: 103 Member
    edited March 2015
    I've got a fitbit flex too, but no friends on it yet. Not sure how to add friends from MFP.
    I won't be much good with challenges with you though, as my average is only between 4000 and 8000 a day

    Went on to my fitbit profile and my public URL is //

    Happy to have lots of friends
  • RedRockChic
    RedRockChic Posts: 69 Member
    Ok.. so I am a little slow on the uptake.. here is my URL on Fitbit.. //

    Even though we are not close to each other's average daily steps, we can still challenge each other. My goal is to increase my steps from an average of 6500 - 7500 per day. With that in mind, anyone who is interested in participating.. I set my first challenge for anyone wanting to be a part of it:

    1st Week of April goals:

    Increase my daily step average by 1000 steps.
    Spend 10 min daily either mediating or in a modified push-up position (plank).
    Not weighing myself more than 2 times during the week.
    Try to average a minimum for 6 hours of sleep per day.

    Who else wants to be a part of the "mini" challenge?

  • titchterry
    titchterry Posts: 9 Member

    Thanks guys.. found it!

    I'm happy to join in RedRock

    I'm also more than happy to have as many friends add me.. regardless of step average, we can all motivate one another xx