Ketogenic Diet - Potassium

Tetrelle Posts: 75 Member
edited November 15 in Food and Nutrition
So, I had been having heart palpitations which is scary because I have IST, and am on high blood pressure medication, beta blockers, and HCTZ. (Mostly due to my weight which is why I'm doing this)

Thinking it might be low potassium as my diet is low in sources of it at times, I added an avocado to my diet everyday. Palpitations stopped. So I'm thinking of adding a supplement for that, as a lot of Keto people do.

My issue is there are warnings everywhere about people on HCTZ and other diuretics taking potassium. I don't have any local dietitians familiar with the keto and paleo lifestyles enough to consult with, and my Doctor is not familiar with it either.

So, people with experience in this department, can you give me advice on if it is safe to supplement?
I already supplement glucosamine, krill oil, and take two other vitamins (a multi and a lo-carb greens blend)


  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    My advice after 15 years on keto is call your doctor. It's not something to screw around with. As for supplementing, an avocado a day is a much better option than a pill that may or may not have as much potassium as it says. If you live somewhere avocado is expensive, add more fish and mushrooms, too.

    As for the diuretics, I had all kinds of side effects on HCTZ, ranging from palpatations to my blood pressure dropping so low I'd start talking gibberish and then pass out. I'm on aldactone now, and it's potassium sparing. Regardless of your WOE, your doctor should be monitoring your potassium anyway.
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