Signs, signs, everywhere there's signs ....

Hi, my name is Karenlee and I've been doing my best at ignoring the signs that are affecting my health.
  1. Out of breath after a flight of stairs
  2. Sore knees/feet
  3. Buying larger clothing sizes
  4. Struggling to stand up from a sitting position
  5. Hiding my food intake
.... and more.

I found myself sitting at work this morning, having my coffee and wondered what, if anything, myfitnesspal could do for me. I'd heard about it. Was it really that awesome? So I installed it on my laptop and Samsung S3. Then I entered my statistics and food I'd consumed so far today. Then I figured I'd enter what I brought for lunch and snack. Darn it!!! That left me with just 500 cal. for dinner. That means no Tater Tot Tuesday for me. Once a week our company cafeteria offers these deep fried potatoes that I top with hot sauce and dip in ketchup. *sigh* but if I do that, then ... no dinner. *sigh* So now what? Well, I've got to figure out what we're having for dinner and then do some research on some better food choices for the rest of the week.

On that note, I should finish my introduction. I'm in my 40's, a mom of two teenage boys and married to a man that has decided he doesn't want to look like his dad. He started working out last week, with a goal of running for the summer. We live in the suburbs, have a small dog, a bearded dragon and I have a bicycle with a very uncomfortably narrow seat. I bought "said bike" last year and rode it ... once. Next item to research is a new bike seat (saddle).