Hi semi newbie here

Hey there!
I'm so glad i became a part of myfitnesspal. I have always been up and down with my weight and i am looking for some peeps on here to keep me motivated and give me the support i need to finally drop this weight. I have always been all over the place with my diet and working out. More with my diet than anything. Ive noticed that i stay motivated for a certain amount of time and when that time is up i give up because i dont notice any change right away. I know i have to get out of that state of mind but its hard because i know it will not happen right away. Im noticing that when it comes to my diet, if i cut things out right away i crave things like crazy and i fail miserably and i give up because i have let myself down. Any suggestions on how to ease my way into a healthier diet? I am ready to make this happen, i am ready to be healthy and i am ready to feel great about myself. i am ready.

Any suggestions? any friendly advice i can get from anyone would be nice. Feel free to add me so we can get this done :)