
Hello! I've started my journey...I'm 57 yrs old 5'4 and 168 on way to 150-155 hopefully....Walking 4 miles, 30 min. yoga, and 30 min exercise. I started at 1 mile first week 2 second and so on. I just started MFP these last 3 days. I don't quite understand the points given for exercise added to goals. I would think you wouldn't eat more so that you could lose more but hopefully will figure it out. When I have posted all my foods it says Im not eating enough and body will go into starvation mode??? I just don't get that!! (Everyone has told me that for years. You don't eat enough...LOL if I didn't eat enough I wouldn't be trying to lose weight!) Hopefully it will work out. Good luck to all other Newbies!!!


  • merryberry99
    merryberry99 Posts: 350 Member
    I've always been told, and I'm sure someone smarter can correct me if need be, that starvation mode should be a concern because your body will think it's "starving," or just not getting enough to maintain, and will try to store fat to survive. This causes some issues with weight loss and loss of muscle.

    Again, I could be wrong but this is what I've always been told by friends. I've been in the same situation with this app, though.
  • blw731
    blw731 Posts: 4
    thanks....1200 calories is a lot of calories to eat and not be eating enough...I will figure it out one day!