HELP!!! Little to no energy.



  • j75j75
    j75j75 Posts: 854 Member
    edited April 2015
    You have a desk job, right? That could be it. Do you get up and move around at all during work? Being sedentary is an energy killer. I have the same problem, desk job. So I make sure to get up every hour and move around, stretch, do some vacuums, whatever. Protein and fat in the morning will boost your energy levels. Coffee will help but you don't want to rely on it. A cup or two should suffice. Also it's been shown that an average sleep cycle is 90 minutes. So be sure you are not waking up in the middle of a cycle or you will feel sluggish. I try to get 7.5 hours of sleep a night, that's five 90 minute cycles.
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    KingBarri wrote: »
    Your protein levels are very low for a man your size and with your goals...
    Perhaps taking some BCAA's, L-Carnatine and VItamin B Complex... along with a good multivitamin will help you....

    So I do take a BCAA powder that I throw into my water jug and sip throughout the day. No L-Carnatine (ill try some) and I get Vitamin B through my multivitamin. I thought the protein was low myself but unfortunately since I have never been concerned about weight loss, I dont know enough to customize my routine and trusted the site's analysis. I think I will do more research. Thanks for the input

    There is some research that BCAAs can reduce serotonin levels, having the opposite effect of an antidepressant.
  • richln
    richln Posts: 809 Member
    KingBarri wrote: »
    Your calories sound low to me. That level of calories is ok if you aren't exercising. Are you eating back your exercise calories? I used a calculator here and it says your bmr is 2200 which means you are eating 100 calories less than your body needs to function.

    MFP doesn't take exercise calories into consideration. If you selected the lose 2lbs a week option it also cuts your short on calories sometimes.

    I feel as if maybe I am not eating enough at times. I picked that I have a Sedentary lifestyle because I have a desk job that I sit at most hours of the day and selected 1lb per week. I will check out Scoobys calendar and look into how much more I should eat due to my workout. MFP doesn't really add nutrient amounts in for strength training on the daily journal, only cardio. Thank you for the input

    Calories too low, protein way too low. You are not sedentary, you are working out almost every day, and that makes a big difference. Search MFP cardio exercise database for "strength training" if you want to add back your exercise calories daily. Or if your exercise is roughly the same each week, then just pick a higher baseline activity level in the calculators and don't worry about adding calories back daily.
    How long have you been eating like this? How much weight have you lost? If you have been doing this for several months, you may benefit a lot from eating at maintenance for a couple of weeks, then going back down.