Figuring out the right recommended %s of fat, protein, and carbs

I am a 34 year old female that recently discovered the benefits of lowering sugar intake and eliminating most processed foods and carbs. I have been on a 'healthier' path since the first of the year and started lowering my sugar intake over a month ago. I weighed 129 lbs in January and have slimmed down to 115 today. I am not trying to diet...I am trying to make healthier choices and gain lean muscle. If losing a little excess weight is a side effect of those choices, then that's something I'm going to have to deal with. ; )
I lift weights and do crossfit in my 'spare time' but I am not strict on a strict exercise regimen and often only work out on Saturdays and a few minutes (literally) each night.
My fitbit recommends that I have a 1170 calorie day (plus calories factored in for exercise) and most days I easily stay within that range. I have read, however, that my fat intake should be between 15-20% (20-26g). I consistently go over my fat intake (50g and more) even though I am eating 'healthy'. My diet often consists of chicken and vegetable. Can someone please help me understand what I need to do to keep my fats down to he recommended levels?


  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    You are not eating very much! I would check out this calculator and rethink your calorie goal.

    If you want to gain lean muscle you need to eat in a slight surplus, not a deficit, and lift heavy.

    IF you want to decrease your fat intake (not that thats much fat to be intaking) then you have to shift your macros so you are eating more protein or carbs. Low fat carbs: bread, pasta, rice, granolas. Low fat high protein options are: fat free greek yogurt, chicken, fish, turkey, egg whites. Beans are low fat and kinda tied in the protein carbs category.
  • rhtexasgal
    rhtexasgal Posts: 572 Member
    I tweaked the ratios by how I feel eating foods. For example, I get a sense of well being when I eat a large serving of protein, particularly beef. I feel more bright-eyed and energetic afterward. The same thing happens when I eat something high in good fats like coconut oil or olive oil (use them for salads). I crash and burn with too many carbs, particularly grains. So, I made sure that my protein and fats were high and in somewhat equal measure and lower on the carbs. I lost 40 pounds this way.

    I do tweak on occasion too as the weather does affect me somewhat. The hotter it gets, the less that I get that euphoric feeling eating protein so I up the fats in the summer and lower the protein. It is a juggling process and you have to be really in tune with your body and recognize its cues.
  • trina1049
    trina1049 Posts: 593 Member
    I use a 35% protein, 35% fat and 30% carb macro split and have lost 45 lbs. Protein and fat keeps me satiated. The 30% carbs are mostly from vegetables (low glycemic), some legumes, and low carb whole grains. Also, I'm working out 5.5 hours per week lifting weights along with some cardio.
  • VegFit72
    VegFit72 Posts: 35 Member
    You might have to "play" with your macro's a bit. I have found that cutting the processed carbs automatically drops the carb intake in a positive way. Do not be afraid of good fats--coconut oil, real butter, avocados, nuts etc... if you are watching calories just watch portion size. There is a lot of trial and error. I'm currently trying for about 40% carb, 25% protein and 35% fat @ 2000 calories a week. Work outs are a must for strength gain and lifting heavy for you but safely of course. Best wishes!
  • kylaquick
    kylaquick Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks so much for all the suggestions. I was just going off of what my fitbit and my fitness pal were telling me and trying to stay within those guidelines. I will definitely check out the websites provided and will adjust accordingly.
    By the way, thank you for deciphering my post...I just re-read it and realized how many errors were in it. Lol.
    I am always open to suggestions and will continue to learn so don't hesitate to send info my way.