Heat and Appetite?

I am just curious how the heat effects your appetite? Does it make you more hungry, less hungry, or just neutral?


  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    I don't think it makes any difference for me, I've never noticed anyway. It's autumn here but still pretty hot and I'm eating well.
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    I tend to like foods with a higher water content; fruits, salads etc.
  • PeachyPlum
    PeachyPlum Posts: 1,243 Member
    My appetite drops dramatically when it starts getting hot. If it's not a cold item, preferably with a high water content, I get a little queasy just thinking about eating it.

    Salads. All day, every day.
  • canary_girl
    canary_girl Posts: 366 Member
    Less appetite, lots of salad, and next to nothing cooked indoors. It gets HOT here.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    Hmm...doesn't really seem to make much of a difference to me. We are generally warm year-'round here but in the summer, regularly get to 100F+ from some time in July through mid-October.
  • hyIianprincess
    hyIianprincess Posts: 302 Member
    It makes mine non-existent. I'll hardly eat anything during the day and make up for it at night during the summer.