What to do with flabby skin?



  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Congrats on the weigh loss. <3 Come to an understand with your body. Thank it for all that you have accomplished together. Also get a fun hair style and lovely clothes.
  • SpnkyBns
    SpnkyBns Posts: 27 Member
    I remember playing with the loose skin under my grandmas arms when I was a little kid....I guess you know what they say about paybacks....I now have that nasty loose skin....
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited April 2015
    Surgery doesn't make sense unless there's a significant amount of skin (because scars) and laser tightening (which does exist) offers so-so results, and only in people with already good collagen, which I guess most people worried about skin laxity may not have.

    Therefore, acceptance (and maybe increasing muscle mass) is really the best option for people not in the groups recommended for those solutions.

    I think this is right:
    RodaRose wrote: »
    Congrats on the weigh loss. <3 Come to an understand with your body. Thank it for all that you have accomplished together. Also get a fun hair style and lovely clothes.

    After you thank it, maybe try to just ignore it. That's my plan. (Because I'm not sure what "acceptance" really means otherwise.)
  • abatonfan
    abatonfan Posts: 1,120 Member
    I must have lost the genetic lottery -I'm 19, lost 70 pounds, and have some areas of really loose/wrinkly skin. Personally, I use the loose skin to scare other people. My younger siblings are always grossed out when I show them how far I can pull the loose skin on my arms, and it's a nice reminder of the person I do not want to go back to.
  • ReeseG4350
    ReeseG4350 Posts: 146 Member
    edited April 2015
    I hate to be the one to piss in someone's Wheaties but, exfoliating will do zero for excess skin other than to give nice soft, fresh, flabby skin.

    Part of the problem with excess skin/flab has as much to do with HOW you lost your weight as with HOW MUCH and HOW FAST you lost the weight. Too often, people seem to think that losing five pounds a week or some such is a good thing. It is not. Your body needs time to recover each step along the way. And the percentage of total body mass needs to be calculated in one's weight loss regimen. For one person two pounds a week might be reasonable but for another it might be too much and not safe while, for a third, it could be slower than their optimum.

    You also need to understand that the muscles that should be supporting that tissue have been fairly lax during your overweight period. Both your skin and your muscles will lose some of their natural elasticity. Much, if not all - depending on age and general overall condition, of this elasticity can be regained. And, as far as strength training goes? You can tone and work your biceps until you can press 250# and STILL have much of that flab under your arm. It's a different set of muscles - or, more accurately, the 'partnered' muscle.

    Flexors and extensors usually work in partnership. (Think about when you stretch your arm out - that requires one set of muscles but, to draw that arm back up requires a different set of muscles.) So, depending upon what type of lifting you are doing, you may offer little toning to the muscles you actually want to address.

    The best way to do this is WHILE you are in the process of losing the weight in the first place. Pilates and yoga are great for your heart and your general overall tone. But, if you are losing a lot of weight - and 50 pounds is a LOT of weight! - you want to target those specific areas such as the underarm flab, the belly, and other areas prone to holding the fat and flab.

    Yoga can go a long way to addressing the issue - IF you are doing proper forms that target those areas and if you are doing them correctly. The best thing I have found for underarm flab, however, is weight lifting. But not just any weight lifting. Try this:

    With one knee on a weight bench or chair, lean forward until your upper body is parallel to the floor. With a weight in one hand, lift your upper arm until it is level and parallel to your body, the forearm at a 90 degree angle. This is your starting posture.

    Now, slowly lift the forearm back and upward until the arm is straight. (If you don't feel it in your upper arm muscles, you are either doing it wrong or you need more weight!) Do a set with one arm, then switch to the other. I would recommend starting with two or three sets of five/ten. Gradually increase sets and reps. And don't overdo it! You may think it's easy but you might discover later that it was more taxing to your muscles than you realized. That's good.

    Congratulations, karensuegill. What you have done is amazing! And, if you can kick that fifty, toning your temple should be a breeze! Keep up the good work!
  • ddmusica
    ddmusica Posts: 50 Member
    I was shocked to discover that the cellulite I had on my legs has literally disappeared. SHOCKED. Thrilled, too! I wore sorts out for the first time, and didn't feel embarrassed. I work out at a gym 5 days a week for an hour and eat healthy- I lost about a pound a week, and after 7 months, I am now at maintenance level (41 lbs lost - current weight: 133 lbs, 5'5", 46 years old). Oh, and my flabby arms-- no longer! Weights are the key.
    Slow and steady wins the race. (Oh, and NO fast food!)
  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    Like others of have said, depends on how much you have lost, how old you are and how long you were overweight.
    I had been obese my entire life. I lost alot of weight 156 pounds in 2012-2013 but haven't gained a few pounds back. I worked out during my weight loss and still do. Lots of weight and strength training along with cardio. Yes I have loose skin. I have spoken to trainers at my past gym and they agreed that skin will snap back some and it takes 1-2 years but there is only so much that will do even with working out. Skin removal surgery is what will take care of it. I looked into back in 2013 but the cost is very expensive and insurance will not cover a dime of it since it is not medically needed for me as I have no rashes or things like that that some get from loose skin. Also the drains and complications scared me too much. I just live with my saggy skin. Most clothes cover it up. It mainly bothers me in the summer when I wear sleeveless tops and my bat wings are flapping. I have muscle in my arms but that damn loose skin hangs still.
    If I was rich or won the lottery I might have a tummy tuck and upper arms done but that isn't gonna happen due to the cost so I just live with what I have.
    Good luck!
    Lotions don't work either. I also get 80 grams of protein a day along with working out since 2012.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    JayRuby, try not to get scared. You're thirty? You are plenty young enough for your skin to tighten back. If I had lost all this mess before I turned 40, I'm sure I would not be having this problem from a measly 30 lb. I'm trying to fill it back out with muscle and having at least partial success, but as a female I of course have a limit. Still, I *am* seeing better muscle growth and definition than I'd expected lately (maintaining weight rather than deficit, weight lifting, protein supplements, all that) so that can help if you do turn out to have some slack when all's said and done. Of course, avoid sun damage to your skin.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I think it's an individual thing. I'm 42 and lost 33% of my body weight quite quickly. I had loose skin under my arms, on my stomach and on my thighs, plus a turkey neck. 6 months later it's mostly all gone. I didn't do anything fancy, just worked out moderately and stayed active. My stomach is the only place with loose skin now, and it's not so bad I couldn't wear a bikini on the beach for the first time in about 10 years last week (and second time ever!).
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    Start doing some weights in your workouts. You need to fill up that space left from the fat. As mentioned, really only skin removal surgery can get rid of it. I do moisturize everything every day, and I think it helps with SOME elasticity, but I also have some sag that I think I'll just have to live with.