so many images.....

I have so many different images of myself throughout the years. As a child I was tiny. My grandparents would tell me I'd be so pretty when I got older, and I never questioned it. When I hit puberty though I also gained weight like it was going out of style. Not that it isn't a normal phase for many, but it was unexpected for me.
As my father has weight issues he became concerned with my weight going so far as to sit me down and tell me to watch my diet. Not the best method for a sensitive child. Most of my middle and highschool career I hated my body. Felt awkward and fat. A few good friends later I broke out of my shell.
I felt really good about myself right out of highschool. Finally was fit and trim, and carried myself like I was the *kitten*. Met my husband and fell in love. With love comes babies, or it did for me ;) and I love my son more than anything but I have a deep desire to get my pre baby body back.
My husband loves my body, and thats why I love him. I, however, am determined to be happy with the mirror again. No yo-yo dieting for me. This is going to be for my life and health. I would love to hear from other women who had a similiar experience. The journey to bodily acceptance isn't straight. I love me as a person, but wish my butt was higher lol.