Stronglifts - help please



  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,638 Member
    When I began doing squats, I just did whatever I wanted, adding weight until I was struggling at 225#.

    Then I finally bit the bullet and asked a personal trainer to teach me correct form. That very same workout I immediately added 50# just from correcting form. These days that same 225# is simply a warmup for me.
  • giannigreco83
    giannigreco83 Posts: 282 Member
    I apologize to the OP for this question in the middle of his post but this might be helpful for him too and regards Stronglifts. I have started it 2 weeks ago and my weight loss has stalled this there any connection between the 2? thank you and hope the OP doesn't mind
  • jontucc
    jontucc Posts: 142 Member
    I don't mind others asking questions :)

    I am still having some pain in my shoulder and neck area so I think my form is still not right.

    Guess I will need to find a personal trainer to help me out. Just it's a bit expensive $45 for half hour session. But if it helps prevent injury I will have to make that investment.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,638 Member
    A one-time $45 investment to show how to do a lift correctly is far, far better than paying a $25 copay to the doctor multiple times to correct a preventable injury. Not to mention the whole living-with-pain and delay-to-training thing.

    Weight loss while lifting can be erratic, some weeks you'll lose more than others, even gain a tad one week. Perfectly natural, need to look at the long-term trend, not just the "since last time I weighed" trend. If you're down from this point last month, call it good.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I apologize to the OP for this question in the middle of his post but this might be helpful for him too and regards Stronglifts. I have started it 2 weeks ago and my weight loss has stalled this there any connection between the 2? thank you and hope the OP doesn't mind

    Yep. The muscles hold water in order to repair themselves. My loss stalled for 6 weeks when I started lifting.
  • giannigreco83
    giannigreco83 Posts: 282 Member
    I apologize to the OP for this question in the middle of his post but this might be helpful for him too and regards Stronglifts. I have started it 2 weeks ago and my weight loss has stalled this there any connection between the 2? thank you and hope the OP doesn't mind

    Yep. The muscles hold water in order to repair themselves. My loss stalled for 6 weeks when I started lifting.

    did you notice any visible improvements on yourself (NSVs, or measurements) that were happening during this weight loss stall? one last question: did you change anything in your food logging or you just kept going the same way? thanks again