Need some advice from over 50's

hi, I find it so difficult to lose weight now that I am 56 :( - used to be easy as pie lol now I just LOOK at pie and I gain a kilo!!!


    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    oh remember the days when we were 20? sigh.....It is more difficult,, BUT we just have to try harder...
  • pizzahound
    once you get used to being hungry it gets easy.
  • malcolmjcooper
    malcolmjcooper Posts: 79 Member
    You don't have to be hungry just eat better quality food with less calories
  • IndianaNanaS
    Logging everything I eat helps keep me honest about staying under my calorie goal. In my twenties, I could eat salad for a meal or two and lose a few pounds, but at almost 55 (Friday!), I have to be very intentional about increasing my activity level every day. I find that if I don't start my day with an hour of brisk walking, I won't get in my 10,000 steps for the day. I'm just too busy and too tired in the evenings to get it done. And if I don't move, neither will the scale, no matter how well I keep to my diet! Good luck!
  • 10859
    10859 Posts: 6
    Indiana is completely right. Find out your daily calorie intake (how many calories you use a day) which there is loads of websites to work that out for you. Then drop the calories slightly below that number. Try and keep a high protein diet to help build repair muscle. Cardio always helps too. Good luck :)
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    What Indiana and 10859 said. That is exactly what's working for me.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    edited April 2015
    I seem to be an oddity in that I found weight loss much easier in my 50's.
    Food is labelled plus you have this tool to keep you honest on your calorie intake and I have more "me time" now the children are independant. That means I can work harder on the calories out part of the equation.

    It really is just a numbers game. Just be reasonably accurate and consistent with your food and exercise logging then adjust your calorie goal (if required) to get the desired results.
  • kjurassic
    kjurassic Posts: 571 Member
    Hmmm...I'm tending to agree with sijomial. I'm 60 and have lost 90 lbs since Oct 2013. The more I move the stronger I get and the more I can eat! (And oh, I so love to eat!) MFP is awesome for tracking. I didn't have MFP 30 or 40 years ago!!!