Get back on track after 3 day binge (7000 cal plus)



  • fairy2b
    fairy2b Posts: 126 Member
    edited April 2015
    I find it's normal behavior for most to binge after restricting and monitoring for so long! Our body's and minds and emotions can only handle so much before we just want to say F*$K IT and dive back into behavior that "feels good."

    Don't beat yourself up. It happens. And each day is a new day. So make better and healthy choices today and start a new trend. And try to release the guilt. It doesn't do you ANY good!

    For me, part of binging includes QUANTITY. I want A LOT of something. That makes me feel good. So I try to make large servings of nutrient dense foods that I can eat a lot of without the calorie cost. I know it's not as "satisfying" as a junk food binge, but I find it's part of the psychological puzzle for me.

    I know binging has all sorts of reasons "why", but have you tried calorie cycling? I too have days/weekend that I want to go nutso and just eat all the things! But I find that if I track my calories weekly instead of daily, there is a little more flux (like on the weekends when I want to enjoy some pizza and beer!)

    I also try to up my exercise on days I want to eat way more. Helps me stay accountable and not go crazy.

    BALANCE is my lesson in this lifetime. Be kind to yourself and you'll get there! <3