Gaining weight after exercising?

So after 2 days of doing Insanity I checked my weight and I had gained almost a pound. I heard it could be because of inflammation or something. I stick to my calorie limit and I eat about half of the calories I lost from the exercise. I'm just wondering when will I see weight loss. After 1-2 weeks or 1 month? I only have about 10lbs to lose so i'm in no hurry.


  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    With 10 pounds to lose, the loss will be slow. Everyone's different when it comes to when they see a scale loss. If you just started working out, your muscles could be retaining water. With as little as you have to go, I'd recommend picking a day as your weigh in day, and only weighing in then, same time, same circumstances every time.