same weight for 2 weeks

ok i am getting very discouraged. I have been 264 for almost 2 weeks now. I measure everything and add everything to mfp and i am still under or around what calorie limit. I have increased working out to an hour with no change in weight then went back to only 30 min a day. i have increased my water intake to try to flush out any water weight and nothing.....idk what to discouraged.......right now im fighting with myself not to give up.


  • marilandica
    marilandica Posts: 88 Member
    Stay off the scale for a while and just keep on keeping on. It's a life-style change. You're making progress with that if you keep on keeping on regardless of what the scale says.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    2 weeks is fine..

    but that being said how accurate is your logging if you measure everything...and what do you mean "around" my calorie limit..if you are going over 100 a day everyday...well...and how do you measure your burns? do you eat them back?

    Weighing solids, measure liquids and if following MFP method eat back at least 50-75% of exercise calories...

    It didn't take 2 weeks to gain this week it's not going to take 2 weeks to lose it don't be discouraged...
  • Supermom883
    Supermom883 Posts: 84 Member
    Stay off the scale for a while and just keep on keeping on. It's a life-style change. You're making progress with that if you keep on keeping on regardless of what the scale says.

    its just so discouraging when you work out so hard and it doesnt move and yet your husband doesnt work out but drops weight like its nothing :( but i will stay off scale and see if that helps
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Two weeks really isn't long enough to worry about, especially if you've just increased your exercise, which can cause water retention. However, do you measure your food or do you weigh it, because there's a huge difference between the two.
  • Supermom883
    Supermom883 Posts: 84 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    2 weeks is fine..

    but that being said how accurate is your logging if you measure everything...and what do you mean "around" my calorie limit..if you are going over 100 a day everyday...well...and how do you measure your burns? do you eat them back?

    Weighing solids, measure liquids and if following MFP method eat back at least 50-75% of exercise calories...

    It didn't take 2 weeks to gain this week it's not going to take 2 weeks to lose it don't be discouraged...

    I never go over but i might be under by 50-100 calories some days. i mostly eat pre packaged food like smart ones or lein cusines.
  • Supermom883
    Supermom883 Posts: 84 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Two weeks really isn't long enough to worry about, especially if you've just increased your exercise, which can cause water retention. However, do you measure your food or do you weigh it, because there's a huge difference between the two.

    i buy the smart ones and lein cusines and if its not one of those i eat i use my food scale. but about 90 percent of what i eat is pre packaged. i been snacking on cucumbers and grapes which i use my scale to weigh out. I also eat a breakfast bar in the am and thats 100 calories per bar
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    You might want to weigh those too, as even prepackaged foods can come up more than the serving says. Plus you're more likely to be holding water due to the sodium used in those meals.
  • Supermom883
    Supermom883 Posts: 84 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    You might want to weigh those too, as even prepackaged foods can come up more than the serving says. Plus you're more likely to be holding water due to the sodium used in those meals.

    ok i will do that tonight...i never thought of that...thanks soooo much :)
  • TiffanyR71
    TiffanyR71 Posts: 217 Member
    Take your measurements! Sometimes you lose inches, even if scale is stagnant... Keep up the great work!
  • Supermom883
    Supermom883 Posts: 84 Member
    TiffanyR71 wrote: »
    Take your measurements! Sometimes you lose inches, even if scale is stagnant... Keep up the great work!

    i actually just did that last night and i will check them again in a month :)