What can I do in the gym?


Bit of info…

I’m 20, 5ft and currently 9st looking to hit the 8st mark through good diet and exercise the only thing I struggle with is what to do in the gym!

I get bored so easily with cardio and when I force myself I always stick to the treadmill.

When people say “weight training” do they mean free weights or does this include the weight machines in the gym?

Need a bit of advice as I always feel lost in the gym!


  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    bodybuilding.com has alot of great programs to follow based off of your goals and when I started going to the gym I downloaded the jefit app on my phone, that was extremely helpful and has hundreds of programs to choose from as well. Then there are the favorites - Stronglifts, New Rules of Lifting etc. Good luck to you.
  • kjm3579
    kjm3579 Posts: 3,974 Member
    Your much better off doing free weights and avoiding the machines. Check out StrongLifts 5x5 -- they have a workout schedule, online support, videos showing correct form, and even an app for a smartphone.
  • Hanlonx
    Hanlonx Posts: 53 Member
    Is cardio a big deal? I get so bored with cardio and it makes me avoid the gym!

    Thanks for your answers.
  • kjm3579
    kjm3579 Posts: 3,974 Member
    I believe in doing both and feel better with a mix of cardio and strength training. I couldn't run a 10 mile race without the appropriate cardio training and I couldn't squat 200 lbs. without the appropriate weight training.
  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    edited April 2015
    I am not a huge fan of cardio either but as I get (ahem) older (ahem) I feel it necessary to incorporate more cardio than I would like to mainly because I like food alot, and I have a medical history of heart disease etc in my family. Cardio is good for heart health etc., and it can help achieve a calorie deficit but is not necessary as long as you are taking in less calories than you are consuming.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    What are your other health and fitness goals (strength, muscle mass, cardiovascular, endurance, mobility, balance, speed, agility)?

  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    Have you tried running with some interval training on the treadmill, you wont get bored but cardio entails a variety of different things. Also new rules of lifting for women or strong lifts 5 by 5 or Ice cream fitness (google it)
  • Hanlonx
    Hanlonx Posts: 53 Member
    Gain muscle mass and improve my strength.

    I tried and fell off! Do you find it easier to turn the treadmill manually up and down or go on the side?
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    If gaining muscle mass and improving your strength is your goal, then you’ll want to lift weights. You can go with machines, but you’ll get better overall results with free weights. A program like New Rules of Lifting for Women or strong lifts should give you what you need. If you’re uncomfortable with the lifts, use a trainer to teach you proper form.

    Interval training is difficult on a treadmill (and running isn’t going to help you build strength or add mass).
  • RolemodelmomT
    RolemodelmomT Posts: 107 Member
    AllanMisner...why better results with free weights than machines? Curious about this! I always tend to go to the machines over the free weights as I tend to feel that I'm not holding the position properly.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Free weights require you to engage stabilizing muscles while you lift (which is more like real life - functional). Machines follow a set motion path, which may or may not be in line with your natural movement.

    There are times when a machine is great (especially when working through or around an injury), but all other things being equal, I’d go with free weights every time.
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    Hanlonx wrote: »
    Gain muscle mass and improve my strength.

    I tried and fell off! Do you find it easier to turn the treadmill manually up and down or go on the side?
    I will run for say easier pace for me 8;30 minute mile for say 1 mile then I will bump it up to 8 minute mile for 1 mile then back down. (I will repeat this 6 maybe 8 times). You can adjust your interval and speed to suit your conditioning. I do not go to the point where I cannot keep up. To some this is not HIT but just intervals. This along with watching the TV in front of me and my ipod I keep my mind pretty focused.
  • musclegood_fatbad
    musclegood_fatbad Posts: 9,809 Member
    If your goal is to gain muscle mass and improve strength like you said above, then you should try following a weight lifting program when you go to the gym. Preferably a beginner one like starting strength. It will let you get your form correct and start moving up in weight.

    Cardio is fine but it will not help you reach your goal of more muscle and strength.
  • terizius
    terizius Posts: 425 Member
    bodybuilding.com has alot of great programs to follow based off of your goals and when I started going to the gym I downloaded the jefit app on my phone, that was extremely helpful and has hundreds of programs to choose from as well. Then there are the favorites - Stronglifts, New Rules of Lifting etc. Good luck to you.

    Ditto, some great routines on Bodybuilding.com (I'm using one now). I also use Jefit, great app. It shows you gifs of the all the exercises in its database as well, so can be used as a reference.

    As to your question, does your gym have personal trainers? You may be able to get a free consult, and have them show you whats what. Alternatively, it would probably be worth it to actually buy one session and just have them show you around the gym, introducing you to all of the equipment and showing you how to use it.