Hello there

So, this isn't my first time introducing myself on here...

I previously joined up and then life happened and I ended up not going to the gym or doing anything really.

But I have to put a halt to life for now and am forcing myself to go to the gym and use the MFP app to count calories. I am now 3 days into this and the counter is much easier than I anticipated and have so far stuck to my goals. I know its only 3 days (well, day 3 today), but that is huge for me as I'm very much an "I will do it tomorrow" kinda guy.

I know its the little things that help - for instance I'v dropped sugar from my tea and only use the tiniest bit of milk. I have started having smaller portions at meal time and am slowly working out crisps/chocolate from my lunch (office jobs suck me into the sandwich, bag of crisps and a chocolate biscuit routine lunch) by having Skips/Quavers (I know crisps are bad but these low calories in comparison to a lot of crisps - its a nice way to wean me off over the next week or two) and having the small snack biscuits (little packs of 2 biscuits). The biscuits may stay in as although they aren't good, I think my problem last time was giving everything up and as far as snacks go, there are worse than 2 little pieces of biscuit. Once I'm progressing I can look at dropping those too, but until then I need a bit of a chocolate fix.

Last night at the gym, I braved up to use the scales in there to get a reading of my height/weight/BMI and body fat. I felt like crying! I'm looking at going to Vegas in a couple of years time as a once in a lifetime holiday and really don't want to look back on the pictures in 10/15 years time and think what a fat Ba$!%#$ I was. It genuinely worries me! So I want, no NEED, to lose hopefully 66 lbs this year to get me down to 13 stone (just inside my BMI) and that gives me time to then work on reducing my body fat percentage or keeping it down depending what level it ends up at.

My current method is 1700 or less a day and extra gym work where I can, even if it kills me! So far I'm on 715 calories for the day and haven't been to the gym yet or finished walking (my watch counts my steps and gives calories burned) so it looks like day 3 could end fairly well. Just hope I can carry on and I'm hoping now I have the app on my phone that I can keep up using that as inspiration. I have a couch to 5k app (with zombie stories as I'm a huge zombie fan so it keeps it interesting) and if I can get in the habit of using that, then I will look to enter a 5k to keep my motivation going and my goal in reach.

And that's me in a nutshell. I apologise for the waffling and am happy to answer any replies :)