I cannot cook this Dukan ruddy oatbran galette!

MerinneW Posts: 71 Member
I've tried about three times now, followed the instructions to the letter, but all I keep ending up with is scrambled egg! Someone tell me what I'm doing wrong!


  • LosingitinLondon
    LosingitinLondon Posts: 15 Member
    What recipe are you using? I found a few different ones. Anyway here's what I do. Make these most days. Main things that made a difference were using a really good non-stick frying pan and a decent spatula.

    So heat your oil - I put in a few drops and wipe it around /off with kitchen roll so it just greases the pan.
    While it's getting hot I put 2tbsps oat bran, 1 egg and 1 tbsp quark in a bowl and mix really well with a fork. Then use the spatula to pour it into the hot pan and now- leave it! I'll often walk off for a couple of minutes. Don't try to turn it until the edges are looking firm and the top is covered in small bubbles. Also slide the spatula round the edges, check it's holding together and is cooked underneath... Only then flip it, and leave it alone again.

    I really like them so I hope this helps!
  • MerinneW
    MerinneW Posts: 71 Member
    Thank you! They look so tasty in all the photos, and i am fed to the teeth with oat-bran stirred into 0% yoghurt every darn day for breakfast. My frying pan is pretty old and dodgy to be fair - maybe I need to buy a new one!

    I was following the recipe in the book - 1 x egg, 1.5 tbsp oatbran and 1.5 tbsp yoghurt. Maybe I'll try again with the quark, and a bit less yog-to-bran ratio.

    Thanks again!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,131 Member
    I actually thought the title was an auto correct fail, but I can tell you that a decent frypan will change your life.