Picture or scale??



  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Pictures and measurements. I'm in maintenance and regularly eat less than my alloted goal for the day, but the scale never budges. However, in two years after reaching my goal weight and getting back down to the size I wanted to be at, I've lost another two sizes without a corresponding weight loss.

    I only weigh myself every other week and don't own a scale, so letting my clothing fit guide me is a true picture of my size.
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    I take measurements. The scale makes me sad because I'm constantly going up and down. Pictures don't do it for me anymore because I don't have a lot left to loose and my perception of myself is always negative. Measurements are fool proof. :)

    I'm sort of similar, in a way, but I find measurements to be unreliable and scales to be the fool proof option lol. I can measure myself, get one reading, remove the measuring tape then put it back and get a completely different reading, and not get the same reading as before no matter how loose or tight I hold the tape. Or I'll take a measurement, lose 10lbs, measure again and find it higher. I can't seem to hold the tape parallel to the ground consistently and measurements are affected by things like bloating, how I'm standing and how I'm breathing. It basically all depends on me. Scales, though? I can't cheat scales. Or mess up the reading (even I'm capable of simply standing still lol). And if the scales go down I know that the weight has to have come off somewhere. I also don't use progress pictures at the moment because I've been down to my current goal weight (about 15lbs less than I am now) and I honestly can't see a difference between how I looked then and how I look now, and similar to you my perception of myself always seems to be negative anyway. I also don't go by how clothing fits as I still wear most of the clothes I wore when I was 55lbs heavier and they don't feel any different. But when the scales have gone down a significant amount I know there IS a difference and that's all that matters to me.