Shake it up...

Calorie is defined as the amount of energy needed to heat up water one degree Celsius (paraphrased). This is usually measured very scientifically, and I doubt any one here is a food scientist and can explain in laymen terms how this is done, but here is what I want to know. I assume Carloric measuring is done on whole food items. I.e., a piece of whole broccoli is xyz calories. When this is blended though, it certainly cannot be the same amount of calories. If I were to burn that same piece of broccoli whole, versus that broccoli mushed, certainly they must need two different levels of caloric energy right? In that, a mushed piece of broccoli doesn't burn as many calories?

The reason I ask, is because I cannot believe that if I eat whole foods versus shake it, that they contain the same amount of calories...thoughts?