Small goals!

So I'm not gonna blab on and on for endless paragraphs and bore everybody. We all know those posts get tedious.
What I AM going to say is, for everybody that is posting all of these discussions talking about trying to lose 100 pounds, just stick to small goals. These are much more attainable and far less daunting than those goals that just seem nearly impossible. I'm not saying that you shouldn't try to lose 100 pounds, I'm just saying, keep your goal small. Aim to lose say; five pounds in one month. And if you reach that, try and lose five more pounds in the next month. Just stick to small sample sizes, so you don't think to yourself "oh my god, im not losing weight fast enough!" Stick to small, reachable goals, and lose the weight in a healthy, beneficial way. You don't wanna lose too much weight too fast because that way you'll lose muscle too! And you don't wanna aim too high, because then you'll feel more stressed out trying to attain such a high goal. Just eat right, exercise, and stick to smaller goals, and you'll be well on your way! Good luck everybody!!!