anyone using PLEXUS?



  • NewMeSM75
    NewMeSM75 Posts: 971 Member
    I haven't tried it. I haven't found any shake or pill that is a quick fix. My sister in law tried it and liked it though. As far as pregnancy, when you stop trying and just let it happen naturally, it will. Of course, unless something medically is preventing it.

    Good luck to you!
  • aseeser92
    aseeser92 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks everyone for your input :) i really appreciate it
  • AnicaMadderra
    AnicaMadderra Posts: 11 Member
    I use Plexus and have lost a total of eighty pounds.
  • aseeser92
    aseeser92 Posts: 16 Member
    I use Plexus and have lost a total of eighty pounds.

    Did you change your eating habbits tremendously? How often do you exercise? How long did it take you to lose the 80lbs?
  • AnicaMadderra
    AnicaMadderra Posts: 11 Member
    A little over a year. I had already changed my eating habits and exercise about three times a week. I had plateaued on my weight loss until I added Plexus.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I used plexus for 5 solid months, plus biocleanse, probio5, boost etc etc. The only thing i lost was $$$$$$$. Sorry :disappointed:
    The reason people lose weight using these products is because they also automatically start eating healthier which usually means reducing their calories. Then all the credit goes to plexus or whatever they happen to be using...
  • knitnurs
    knitnurs Posts: 1 Member
    I used it starting July of last year. I cancelled my autoship just today. The ambassador I bought from is an acquaintance of mine and she kept talking about how much better she feels etc so I thought I would try it. I feel the same and weigh the same. And it is EXPENSIVE. I can use the money to buy a plane ticket to see my daughter. Two months = 1 round trip ticket. yes, it's that much.
  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    edited April 2015
    I used plexus for 5 solid months, plus biocleanse, probio5, boost etc etc. The only thing i lost was $$$$$$$. Sorry :disappointed:
    The reason people lose weight using these products is because they also automatically start eating healthier which usually means reducing their calories. Then all the credit goes to plexus or whatever they happen to be using...

    I'm sure many lose weight because they then don't have money to buy food.
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    aseeser92 wrote: »
    If you have extra money to blow on snake oil, go for it.

    Just know if you don't eat at a calorie deficit, this "miracle product" won't work.

    Okay thanks!

    As I said in my other post, this is not a miracle product. It is a tool, a tool that I found to be very helpful. Do your research, but the product is all natural :)
    And I agree people on these post can be rude but you over look those posts and move on :)

    Disagreeing with someone =/= rude.

    And the product is crap. Nothing at all wrong with people pointing it out. The only people that benefit from it are the ones selling it, and most people selling it end up losing money anyway.
  • determined_14
    determined_14 Posts: 258 Member
    knitnurs wrote: »
    I used it starting July of last year. I cancelled my autoship just today. The ambassador I bought from is an acquaintance of mine and she kept talking about how much better she feels etc so I thought I would try it. I feel the same and weigh the same. And it is EXPENSIVE. I can use the money to buy a plane ticket to see my daughter. Two months = 1 round trip ticket. yes, it's that much.

    How much was the ticket?! Were you getting all the Plexus products: probiotic, pink drink, etc.?
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    ncboiler89 wrote: »
    I used plexus for 5 solid months, plus biocleanse, probio5, boost etc etc. The only thing i lost was $$$$$$$. Sorry :disappointed:
    The reason people lose weight using these products is because they also automatically start eating healthier which usually means reducing their calories. Then all the credit goes to plexus or whatever they happen to be using...

    I'm sure many lose weight because they then don't have money to buy food.

    Agreed! Nearly $2,000 that I didn't really have to blow, straight down the toilet. The shipping alone to Australia was $47 :angry:

  • BicepsAndBows
    BicepsAndBows Posts: 197 Member
    Plexus is just another fad diet system. Not trying to be negative, but that's what it is. It is not something you are going to use for the rest of your is way too expensive and unrealistic for that. Why not just focus on learning to eat healthy, balanced meals and snacks and exercise to meet your goals? That will create a much more sustainable and healthy lifestyle change than any kind of weight loss product ever will.
  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Plexus is just another fad diet system. Not trying to be negative, but that's what it is.

    Honesty is sometimes negative. That's what makes it honest.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    It annoys the hell out of me how people swear black and blue that it's changed their life and how they have sooooo much more energy. Not to mention the stock standard generic answers if people aren't losing weight, which are:

    "You MUST drink half your weight in ounces of water for plexus to work."

    And the Gem of all answers:

    "You're detoxing, give it at least 3 months"
  • cmcdonald525
    cmcdonald525 Posts: 140 Member
    I don't personally use it, but I do know someone selling it. From what she's been cramming down my throat, it's *only* $4 a day for the shakes, I could easily drink that instead of Starbucks and still save money! 1st, I make my own coffee, thank you very much, and 2nd, she had not lost any weight at all in the several months she's been selling it. As far as I see it, it'll only work if you diet and exercise. And if you're doing that anyway, you might as well save your $4 a day.
  • butbygrace206
    butbygrace206 Posts: 394 Member
    aseeser92 wrote: »
    If you have extra money to blow on snake oil, go for it.

    Just know if you don't eat at a calorie deficit, this "miracle product" won't work.

    Okay thanks!

    As I said in my other post, this is not a miracle product. It is a tool, a tool that I found to be very helpful. Do your research, but the product is all natural :)
    And I agree people on these post can be rude but you over look those posts and move on :)

    Disagreeing with someone =/= rude.

    And the product is crap. Nothing at all wrong with people pointing it out. The only people that benefit from it are the ones selling it, and most people selling it end up losing money anyway.

    Disagreeing with someone =/= rude.

    No, not at all. It's all in how it's stated. There is no need responding in a rude manor.
    And I for one have benefitted from it. Yes, I do eat at a calorie deficit, however, when I began I had trouble doing so. The product has helped control my appetite and desires for sugar. :)

  • haygee73
    haygee73 Posts: 4 Member
    edited April 2015
    Polydextrose - A form of soluble fiber that can take the place of sugar in beverages. It can be used as a thickening agent and stabilizer. It is frequently used as an ingredient in low-carb, sugar-free, and diabetic cooking recipes. It is also used as a thickening agent. Polydextrose has shown healthful prebiotic benefits when tested in animals. It contains only 1 kcal per gram and, therefore, is able to help reduce calories.

    It is synthesized from corn, not chemicals, and it's what helps blood sugar levels.

    So yes, it is technically synthetic but from natural ingredients ... Non GMO corn. (:

    Plexus has helped me a bunch! I had changed my eating and was working out an hour and a half, five days a week in the police academy. I lost 15 pounds and plateaued. Once out of the academy I still workout but not as much. I started plexus and have lost 10 more pounds! I honestly do have much more energy, plexus slim curbs my appetite, and speeds up my metabolism. My fiancé who doesn't believe in any health products has also started and loves it!

    Not everyone may agree with Plexus, Advocare, R&F, etc. But if it is working for someone, then support them and encourage them! Different products work for different people. So if it doesn't work for you then move on. If healthy eating and working out works for you, then great! But don't put down other people or discourage other people trying to make your point.

    To the poster who originally started this post- Good luck! Research whatever products you would like, whether it be plexus or some other company you decide, and give it your all out best! You got this! Plexus does provide a 60 day money back guarantee on all products, it gives you a chance to try them and if you're not happy, you're not stuck with them!
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    aseeser92 wrote: »
    If you have extra money to blow on snake oil, go for it.

    Just know if you don't eat at a calorie deficit, this "miracle product" won't work.

    Okay thanks!

    As I said in my other post, this is not a miracle product. It is a tool, a tool that I found to be very helpful. Do your research, but the product is all natural :)
    And I agree people on these post can be rude but you over look those posts and move on :)

    Disagreeing with someone =/= rude.

    And the product is crap. Nothing at all wrong with people pointing it out. The only people that benefit from it are the ones selling it, and most people selling it end up losing money anyway.

    Disagreeing with someone =/= rude.

    No, not at all. It's all in how it's stated. There is no need responding in a rude manor.
    And I for one have benefitted from it. Yes, I do eat at a calorie deficit, however, when I began I had trouble doing so. The product has helped control my appetite and desires for sugar. :)

    The placebo effect can be strong with products like Plexus when people really want to lose weight, and paying that much money for something that touts weight loss can be comforting for some people.

    However, a calorie deficit is what caused your weight loss, period. The Plexus had absolutely no effect on that. Yes, taking your little pills with your food may have made you feel like you were doing something, and that could've helped, but it was a feeling, and nothing more.

    This is a calorie counting website, and people asking about these products on the forums deserve to know the truth about them. There is absolutely no reason to throw your money at a placebo - just eat less food.
  • butbygrace206
    butbygrace206 Posts: 394 Member
    ncboiler89 wrote: »
    Plexus is just another fad diet system. Not trying to be negative, but that's what it is.

    Honesty is sometimes negative. That's what makes it honest.
    aseeser92 wrote: »
    If you have extra money to blow on snake oil, go for it.

    Just know if you don't eat at a calorie deficit, this "miracle product" won't work.

    Okay thanks!

    As I said in my other post, this is not a miracle product. It is a tool, a tool that I found to be very helpful. Do your research, but the product is all natural :)
    And I agree people on these post can be rude but you over look those posts and move on :)

    Disagreeing with someone =/= rude.

    And the product is crap. Nothing at all wrong with people pointing it out. The only people that benefit from it are the ones selling it, and most people selling it end up losing money anyway.

    Disagreeing with someone =/= rude.

    No, not at all. It's all in how it's stated. There is no need responding in a rude manor.
    And I for one have benefitted from it. Yes, I do eat at a calorie deficit, however, when I began I had trouble doing so. The product has helped control my appetite and desires for sugar. :)

    The placebo effect can be strong with products like Plexus when people really want to lose weight, and paying that much money for something that touts weight loss can be comforting for some people.

    However, a calorie deficit is what caused your weight loss, period. The Plexus had absolutely no effect on that. Yes, taking your little pills with your food may have made you feel like you were doing something, and that could've helped, but it was a feeling, and nothing more.

    This is a calorie counting website, and people asking about these products on the forums deserve to know the truth about them. There is absolutely no reason to throw your money at a placebo - just eat less food.

    And that's your opinion, Which is respected. I do know it helped me and that's my opinion. I'm not asking her to spend her money on this product, I'm telling her it has helped me to be able to stay at a deficit. She can decide for herself :)
  • haygee73
    haygee73 Posts: 4 Member
    aseeser92 wrote: »
    If you have extra money to blow on snake oil, go for it.

    Just know if you don't eat at a calorie deficit, this "miracle product" won't work.

    Okay thanks!

    As I said in my other post, this is not a miracle product. It is a tool, a tool that I found to be very helpful. Do your research, but the product is all natural :)
    And I agree people on these post can be rude but you over look those posts and move on :)

    Disagreeing with someone =/= rude.

    And the product is crap. Nothing at all wrong with people pointing it out. The only people that benefit from it are the ones selling it, and most people selling it end up losing money anyway.

    Disagreeing with someone =/= rude.

    No, not at all. It's all in how it's stated. There is no need responding in a rude manor.
    And I for one have benefitted from it. Yes, I do eat at a calorie deficit, however, when I began I had trouble doing so. The product has helped control my appetite and desires for sugar. :)

    The placebo effect can be strong with products like Plexus when people really want to lose weight, and paying that much money for something that touts weight loss can be comforting for some people.

    However, a calorie deficit is what caused your weight loss, period. The Plexus had absolutely no effect on that. Yes, taking your little pills with your food may have made you feel like you were doing something, and that could've helped, but it was a feeling, and nothing more.

    This is a calorie counting website, and people asking about these products on the forums deserve to know the truth about them. There is absolutely no reason to throw your money at a placebo - just eat less food.

    Not all Plexus (actually any weight loss products) are pills, some are drinks (: There are some people who benefit greatly from it. I'm sorry you disagree (your opinion is greatly appreciated, that's her whole point of asking, but you don't have to put down other people's opinion, trying to make yours a fact) but there are many testimonies to plexus helping, and also helping way more than just weight loss. You are also not in Butbygrace206's shoes, you've not walked in her footsteps. I'm glad Plexus has worked for you, Butbygrace206, I appreciate your opinion and sharing your testimony!