How to eat more?

After a couple days of tracking my food, I'm beginning to see what the problem is.

For a year now, I've struggled with an ED. I ate 700 - 900 calories. I am 5'9 and 114 lbs, and was 164 when I started.
I've upped my calorie intake to 1,100 at most lately -- which is an improvement, though still not enough. Plus, I am *still* losing weight!! I don't want to lose anymore, for obvious reasons..

1) Eating feels like a chore to me. I don't like or want to do it. There are some foods I like, but all in all, it's more like 'doing the dishes'..
2) I don't get hungry anymore. And I get bloated / feel full really easy. It's painful to have to eat more. I had to basically force feed myself today, whereas I actually broke down in tears.
3) I'm a vegetarian and I don't like eating foods that aren't healthy. So the calories are generally lower.

I know I need to get more calories in, but I just feel like I can't do it. I'm going to the store tomorrow, and plan on picking up Luna Bars. So if I need more cals, it'll bump it up within just one snack. Think that's a good approach? So I don't have to eat a lot throughout the day..?

I'm just really confused and trying to figure this out! Thank you! My diary is open for another outlook.


  • julfarn
    julfarn Posts: 13 Member
    It takes a while for your body to get use to the increase of calories, so do it slowly over a few weeks.
    Add in some high calorie foods like peanut butter, avocado, nuts, brown rice, etc. Sometimes I just find it easier to input my foods first, see where the calories are at, and if I need to double up some of the items (like eggs or how many slices of bread I'm having) to get enough calories for that meal.
    Increase your protein! Beans and tofu. Just because you want to eat healthy (and vegetarian) doesn't necessarily mean that it has to be a super low calorie diet.