Model for my children

consistentz Posts: 40
edited November 15 in Motivation and Support
My children witnessed my weight loss struggle and watched me fail time and again. I want to make it before they go to college. I hope this is my turning point, graduation in June...


  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    One of my strong motivators to try and lose weight and to exercise is to be a role model to my son (who graduates in May of this year), my wife, my sisters and my parents. Don't kid yourself; people watch and they notice and they take note and what you do makes a difference in the lives of others.
  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    I can relate to this on both sides of the coin. My mother is very overweight and has been my entire life. Unfortunately she didn't realize that through her yo-yo dieting *I* learned to diet and have wound up struggling with my own weight issues.

    Now I'm a mom of a 1-year old and ending the trend of obesity that runs rampant in our family, and creating a childhood for him that's FREE of diet talk or thinking of our self-worth through body image, I want him to have the childhood he deserves. I've worked hard to get to where I am today and now that I know he's listening and paying attention (even at such a young age) I'm VERY aware of how I speak around him and my actions!

    It's WORTH it and you CAN do it! Feel free to friend me! :)
  • Ljoon02
    Ljoon02 Posts: 11 Member
    Same here! As parents we must lead by example. My husband and I started working out consistently. It's been 2 months and we are actually finishing our first program EVER Saturday. We CAN do this! We just have to support one another but be consistent in our healthy eating habits and in our workout program. My kids have watched us and have started working out on their own. That makes me so proud because we are doing something right
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