what are your motivations for exercising? it is something that I hate to do and sometimes I have to literally force myself to take a walk. plus have depression - which I am on medication for. I hate exercise. what motivates you????


  • FaerieCae
    FaerieCae Posts: 437 Member
    Depression.... I want to beat this thing once and for all, exercise does it, I notice if I have a rest day im waaaaay more down.
    Something jillian michaels says in her vids sticks with me too.."transformation is not a future event" meaning, if I want results I have to act NOW, not tomorrow. Im 30 in october, its now or it gets harder, im going to a wedding in ausrralia in october and my husbands sisters are all stunning, id like to fit in a little. I like being stronger. I lke being fitter...I like not having jiggly fat all over. I like the fact that im getting a butt. I dont want to start smoking again, so if I focus on exercising and getting fitter, lSt thing I wanna do is compromise my lung capacity.

    Lots of motivators. Find yours, they really help when you're havin a hard time getting to it.
  • Gdeeaz
    Gdeeaz Posts: 60
    I used to hate exercising and while I still don't love it, I don't have too hard of a time doing it. I started really slow and worked my way up. I started with doing a modified 30 day shred 3 times a week and now I ride my bike everyday for at least 30 mins on days that I have work/school and at least an hour on my days off. I also do some Pilates and strength training.

    I have a calendar in my bedroom and everyday I workout I put a big red X through that day. I also made a motivation board and looking at it gives me the little push I sometimes need to go exercise. Being able to visualize my goals and progress helps me stay motivated.

    This is one of the things on my board.
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Exercise is my excuse to get out of the house and away from the screaming toddler I've been stuck with all day. If I can't get out of the house I exercise to Youtube videos when the spawn is sleeping. Exercise makes me feel good and I love it. I hate it during it... but I LOVE that feel afterward. During the day I am planning what exercise I feel like doing today. Run, walk, video, or gym. What keeps me going is that even though I'm losing weight super slow it is still losing and it feels good. I'm doing something 6-7 days a week and most of the time I don't lose any weight. I don't even take rest days unless I am too sore to do anything. Even though I still feel heavy my body fat is only 27%. Not too shabby for still being chubby.