I need motivation!

My boyfriend came to visit me over the weekend and his presence really distracted me from my goal. I stopped counting calories and almost stopped caring. I wanna get back on track and be as into this as I was before....any advice?


  • autumn130
    autumn130 Posts: 48
    Being in love makes you fat! I believe that with my heart. I lost so much weight before I lived with my now husband. Since I moved here 5 years ago I have gained about 80 lbs!!!!! I am an extreme case but it's true. All you want to do is have fun together and eating is almost always in the game plan... eating the local cuisine... ordering out..or in.... and fast food!

    Just try to remember your original goal. You can do it! Start fresh. Don't dwell on what you did while he was in town.
  • JustJudy
    JustJudy Posts: 142 Member
    You are half way to your goal weight!! That's awesome! Next time he comes to visit make sure you plan some things that involve physical activity! Right now, take it like you did in the beginning. Set daily goals, then a mid week, then go to weekly. Its so very easy to fall off the healthy wagon! For me it's about making healthier choices when I do go out with my husband! It's not easy but it's also not impossible. I will be taking my own advice, now that I am on summer break b/c THIS is when it creeps back on!!! Good luck to you!
  • hispanicangel
    NO worries girl Just get back on the calorie count and make what you do eat count! Healthier meals less sugar and less sodium. are any of you on a workout program?
  • marlenia
    marlenia Posts: 33
    Remind him that you are doing this for him too and that you need him to help you stick to the routine when he's around. Have him exercise with you. Just refocus! Almosty there~