A few questions about the app (nutrients)

mayharmony Posts: 16 Member
Hi, I'm not really new but I thought this would be a good place to ask a few random questions I've had.

1. How are the goals for the Nutrient Details calculated? And are they accurate? (62 grams of sugar seems high, but then again I go over on it once or twice a week already... Does it differentiate between added and natural sugars?)
2. Also I've noticed some them randomly changing from day to day, why is that?
3. On a similar note, why does it go red if I go over on Vitamins and Calcium? Is it really possible to eat too much of Vitamin A for instance? That one seems to go over really easily just from eating a little fruit and carrots.
4. Is there a point to logging strength exercise? When I did it didn't subtract calories or anything, so usually I don't bother (I use a different app to keep track of workouts).
