
I seem to be in a massive slump at the moment weight wise. I know I need to lose weight but am always struggling to keep myself motivated! I manage for a week and then run out of inspiration and put any weight lost back on, plus what feels like more! How do you keep yourselves motivated? I get a massive kick out of losing weight but hate that a hunk of mental has so much power over me. Help!


  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    You need to want success more than giving up. It's hard to lose weight. For me, it's probably the hardest thing to do. But I really want it this time, unlike other times where I've failed. I have made this commitment to myself and I will ensure my own success. It can be tough, but you will thank yourself when you do not allow yourself to give in to what tempts you to stray from your mission. Just don't give up. Celebrate each small step, knowing that you might not have success every day. But if you stick with it, you will see that even the days that you are not proud of balance out with the days when you feel you have done great. If stick with it even when times are tough, then you will really be proud of yourself. And if you do slip up, forgive yourself and move on with greater resolve.

    I stay motivated by remembering what my long and short term goals are, and by reviewing how far I have come.

    Maybe understanding where your stress is coming from would help. Don't stress yourself out about this, since a rise in cortisol levels may inhibit weight loss. Tell yourself that it will all work out in the end....and make your dream come true.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    For me it's more habit than motivation. I just automatically workout everyday-it's a something I do like showering or brushing my teeth. Weighing, measuring and logging my food is also a habit that I just do without much thought.
    I guess I would advise you to keep going till it becomes as much a part of your life as showering.
    Just make sure your deficit isn't too aggressive resulting in your quitting or bingeing.
    The results of weightloss are so amazing in so many different ways that it becomes it's own reward.
    Just keep at it until.
    P.S. Don't deprive yourself of the foods you love-just portion them out!