Insanity + Loss of appetite

I am on day 19 of month 1 of insanity. I have been sticking to it perfectly fine and have been following the nutrition guide too. My problem now is that I have totally lost my appetite on a morning (I do my workout between 8 and 10) and even after I cant eat. Has anyone else had this problem, the reason I ask is that I am now struggling with my workouts and am feeling exhausted during the workout (a lot more than normal anyhow) and find myself watching the clock and giving up on some of the excerise. I need to keep motivated and get past this......any ideas?


  • eva_svi
    eva_svi Posts: 24 Member
    Hi, I've never done insanity, however as a former adventure racer and a representant of my country I know a thing or two about intense training. What you've described sounds like cumulative fatigue which may lead to overtraining. Overtraining is usually accompanied by loss of appetite and a decrease in performance (not just right after the stimulus i.e. training but long term). I would suggest taking two or more days of (active) rest - going for walks or doing some other kind of low impact activity. You will give your body time to recover and repair all the broken tissues and will probably come back stronger and more motivated than before. While I think insanity is an excellent program to get you in shape, it is also very very intense and not everybody has the capacity to do such intense activity on a daily basis. So I'd just listen to my body. From my own experience, it's certainly better to "lose" a few days giving your body the rest it needs than to lose a few weeks/ months due to overtraining.
  • ericola
    ericola Posts: 23 Member
    edited April 2015
    I think you could be right, might have tge weekend off and get back to it monday :)