Unlimited vegetables - anyone lost weight this way



  • maxit
    maxit Posts: 880 Member
    "unlimited vegetables" (excluding some starchy ones) while closely tracking everything else is basically how I lost weight using weight watchers -
  • vgnfarmer
    vgnfarmer Posts: 108 Member
    I used to do this and lost weight because I never wanted the reason I didn't eat the veggies to be that I was saving calories for something else. I just set my deficit a little lower. Eating the veggies first usually helped lower overall calories.
    Also at night when I thought I was hungry I would tell myself that I could have all the broccoli I wanted. I knew that if I was truly hungry it would satisfy but if I didn't want to eat it then it was probably just a craving.
    Recently I started logging veggies because I wanted a more accurate macro count. I have learned that a head of cauliflower DOES have significant calories but not too bad considering how filling. I usually eat a head of romaine a day and that comes in pretty low...
    Good luck!
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    Literally, binge eating celery, sweet potatoes, legumes, you will stop because your body will be full. No butter, or cheese sauce!