What to snack on when stressed?

SJLS2013 Posts: 149 Member
I've been really struggling to keep my snacking under control at work. My colleagues have commented on it and I've just said: I track all my calories so its fine. But truth is, I haven't tracked for a couple of weeks and I know i've eaten loads.

The trigger to my snacking has been stress, and it's not going to ease up any time soon. I try and snack on healthy options like kids fruit snacks (I know they still have loads of sugar but they are much better than sweets) and nuts.

What can people suggest for snacking that will not destroy my calorie target and not have me going back for more?


  • allgoodthings
    allgoodthings Posts: 82 Member
    I bring a bag of organic baby carrots to work with me on my long days. That way I can go back for more if I want. What about instead of fruit snacks you bring actual fruit?
  • zytah
    zytah Posts: 153
    I usually go with jerky, popcorn, or sunflower seeds since they are time consuming for me to eat.

    if I want to go with something "unhealthy" ill go for pork rinds (chicharrones) or a bit of dark chocolate (both which aren't very unhealthy at all).
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Good snacks for me are a boiled egg and an apple, both about 75 calories.

    I eat regular meals with veggies like broccoli that are filling so I don't get as hungry. They protect me from out of control snacking. I take a 32 oz sport bottle of filtered water with lemon slices to work and drink that all day, too.... it gives me a treat as well as something to drink.

    Good luck. You can also try exercise and meditation to do something about the stress. Walk somewhere with a peaceful view.
  • I find cherry tomatoes are good to pick at. I also love melon and if you cut it up into chunks, put it in a tub and take it to work with you then you can just pick at it as you want through the day...its super sweet and its fruit so its healthy and pretty low calorie :-)