Powerless to food addiction



  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    You need a different therapist to help you sort out what's going on in your head. The Adderall is masking the problem - like breaking your leg and taking painkillers to fix it.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    eabiss9 wrote: »
    I have a confession to make. Due to my emotional addiction to food, I have been taking Adderall to suppress my appetite and give me much needed energy on and off for over a year. When I am on this medication, I work out hard, I eat a healthy balanced diet, and I feel fantastic. However, it exacerbates my heart issues which scares me off of the medication. I go off of it and emotionally eat, particularly at night, until I'm in severe pain. This happens every single day no matter how much support I seek, articles I read, distractions I create, runs/strength training I do, and therapy visits I go to. I feel powerless and hopeless. I gain the weight I lost on adderall back within less than a month and then some. It's absolutely miserable and I feel entirely out of control.

    This is where I'm at. It sucks. I feel no different than a drug addict. I want to change, I know how badly I feel after I binge, and yet I fall into the same exact miserable pattern time after time. Am I alone?

    There is nothing anyone here can do for you. I really dislike how often people here are told to go seek professional help, but in your case...you need to be first in line.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    jnv7594 wrote: »
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    Sounds like you're in love with having problems, if you ask me.

    And thanks for making picking up scripts every month a giant PITA. Appreciate it.

    Blunt, but if I'm honest, it's kind of what I was thinking also.

    Yeah, same here.
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    DaFibble wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    It's probably a better understanding than yours to be honest.

    Cuddles and kisses don't solve problems, sweetie, especially when they're rooted in what looks like a case of Munchausen's.

    Oh, you're being honest. You must be right then!

    Munchausen Syndrome is an extremely rare disorder. Indulging in callous troll-like behaviour like you're doing in this thread is much more common, usually arising from a sadistic pleasure in hurting others and/or narcissistic need to make others feel bad for the superiority power trip. Of course, you might actually believe you're helping somehow, by being honest about what you think. That would be tragic in its own way.

    LOL, wut?... was all of that?? Pfft.

    Anyway, I suspect you greatly underestimate the allure of parking one's fanny on the pity-pot. And apologies that I don't have a garbled mess of psychobabble for which to cloak that observation for you.

  • PowerKickChic
    PowerKickChic Posts: 108 Member
    I am so sorry that your going through that. I see your going to therapy but have you disclosed what you are doing to him/her? I don't pretend to know exactly whats wrong but I'm wondering if there is a fatigue type of issue/nutrition imbalance. If you don't feel comfortable telling a medical professional (which I still think you should), I think you should at least ask your doctor to do a cbc or other blood tests to check if you have low iron, hormonal imbalance or something that could be making you tired. I know when I'm tired I tend to binge like crazy because my body is crying out for energy. I bet you anything that the adderol could be covering up an underlying issue.