I'm FINALLY in the 100's

So I weighed myself yesterday and the scale read 102.4 I was on disbelief so I had my sister and mom hop on the scale to see if it was a glitch it wasn't . This morning still in disbelief I hopped on the scale again , I used the bathroom before so I got rid of some water weight and the scale read 101.4 , I've been taking apetamin I have been stuck between 94-98 pounds since sophomore year of high school in 2010. I don't remember taking apetamin yesterday but I'm gonna take 10ml today before I go to my God sons birthday party my goal weight is 115-120 my goal weight by the end of this month is 105


  • MissMary75044
    MissMary75044 Posts: 517 Member
    Congratulations!! I know it's a great feeling, I didn't hit 100lbs until I was in high school myself. I've fluctuated a lot since then currently being on the lower end of things at 103.8lbs. My goal is about 115-120 as well. Keep up the good work.
  • heyitstahiraa
    heyitstahiraa Posts: 35 Member
    Thank you one of my old pair of Size 3 jeans doesn't fit as big anymore
  • aliyah119
    I just started taking apetamin April 1! I'm also 100lbs smh my goal weight is 125-130
  • heyitstahiraa
    heyitstahiraa Posts: 35 Member
    I can admit it does make you drowsy but it works , you'll be so full but still hungry
  • lucygoesrawr
    lucygoesrawr Posts: 184 Member
    edited April 2015
    Well, congratulations.
    So this Apetamin, what do you do when you reach your goal weight? Do you have to take it forever, since you have no appetite without it? Obviously you wouldn't want to just lose all the weight again.
  • heyitstahiraa
    heyitstahiraa Posts: 35 Member
    By the time I reach my goal weight my stomach should be used to holding as much food as it did while taking apetamin , I haven't taken it for 2 days and my appetite is still big