Hate exercise - gym advice?

hi folks

I am pretty new here so bear with me! I have a lot of weight to lose and am counting calories, I have a Fitbit and count steps with that but although I am a member at the gym, I hate it. I tend to swim a bit which is ok, but I know I need to do more than that!!
If anyone has any advice on how to start easy and slowly work my way up I'd be very grateful!!


  • aimsterrz
    aimsterrz Posts: 26 Member
    What about like dancing? Like Zumba or Hip Hop. It is exercise but doesnt really seem like it.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Find something you enjoy. Does your gym offer classes? I used to go to the gym 5 days a week but now the only time I use the gym itself is for PT sessions. I do a variety of classes like spinning, circuits, Armageddon (which is like HIIT circuits), kettlebell, aerobics, step etc.
  • peachyfuzzle
    peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
    Well, the good news is that you don't have to go to the gym in order to lose weight. Just eat at a deficit, and the weight will come off.

    However, it will do nothing to improve your fitness level, so if you want to be able to climb three stairs without being out of breath, then you'll need to do some sort of fitness training.

    The issue is that you'll need to figure out what your specific goals are, and get an idea of where you want to be in a fitness sense at the end of your weightloss.
  • Chris_Joyce
    Chris_Joyce Posts: 1 Member
    I hope this doesn't come off the wrong way...I've been in your boat and "get it". Just do what you don't want to do when you know you should be doing it...and you'll accomplish everything you want. Just jump in the pool...the rest will take care of itself. Really. Really, really. It's simple...you have everything you need...and you're "enough".
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    go for a walk
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    workout at a park or outdoors then there is always the dvd workouts you can do
  • caeliumspecto
    caeliumspecto Posts: 42 Member
    To improve the cardiovascular system, you'll have to do cardio, swimming will take care of this. And if you are swimming hard for about 10 min twice a week, that is enough to improve your cardiovascular system.

    For the rest of the body, you'll want to strength train.

    The major motions that will cover almost everything are:

    - Pushing motions (pushing out from the chest, pushing above the head. These are called "presses.")
    - Pulling motions (pulling in towards the chest, pulling down from above the head. These are called "rows.")
    - Squats.
    - Core. (Bicycle crunches, jack knives, planks, motions in the plank position.)

    Do each motion with weights 12 times ("reps"). Then rest briefly. Do 3 groups of 12 (called "sets"). You'll know you've hit the right weight range if by the end of the 12 reps your muscles are fatigued and by the 3rd set of 12, your muscles are seriously strained (they'll tremble slightly.)

    You do not have to use ridiculously high weights. Focus on going slowly and having perfect form.
  • 1crazyk
    1crazyk Posts: 1 Member
    I agree you have to find something you like to do I like loud music I like dancing so I found classes like Zumba, country line dancing classes and water exercise classes where you're moving to music
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    PinkyPie77 wrote: »
    hi folks

    I am pretty new here so bear with me! I have a lot of weight to lose and am counting calories, I have a Fitbit and count steps with that but although I am a member at the gym, I hate it. I tend to swim a bit which is ok, but I know I need to do more than that!!
    If anyone has any advice on how to start easy and slowly work my way up I'd be very grateful!!

    Actually, swimming is one of the better things you can do. It is cardio and strengthening both wrapped into one calorie burning activity. Since you seem to like it, try for more speed or distance and use equipment to get more resistance. Does the place you swim offer any kind of water exercise classes? There are "boot camp" ones that really give you a great workout.

  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Actually, I just sew my mouth shut instead.
  • PinkyPie77
    PinkyPie77 Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks everyone, some realy useful advice here and will give things ago, apart from sewing my mouth shut lol!
    There are Aqua Zumba and aqua aerobics sessions at the gym so will give them a try and try harder to use the machines and weights too!
    Am more motivated at the moment so hopefully this will help!!
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    As others have said, swimming is a great exercise, and very gentle on your joints. Some strength training would also be a good idea, but as @caeliumspecto said, it doesn't have to be a lot. You can Google "bodyweight exercises" if you want to find some you could do anywhere, not just with equipment at the gym.

    Walking is surprisingly good as exercise; it isn't as intense as other cardio but it's relatively low impact and helps maintain bone density. If you walk briskly, you can get a good workout. It can also be useful to work activity into your daily life. Walk up and down stairs instead of taking elevators or escalators (or walk up the escalator). If you drive somewhere, park at the far end of the parking lot. If you're shopping for a small number of things that don't weigh too much, use a shopping basket rather than a cart.

    Most weight loss happens in the kitchen, not the gym; exercise is only a small component of most people's weight loss, especially since it makes you hungry (the main exception being low-intensity activity like walking, but that also burns fewer calories in a given time than more intense exercise). But it does allow you to eat somewhat more than if you were totally sedentary. More importantly, it helps you feel energetic and helps ensure that most of the weight you lose will be fat, not muscle.
  • rileyes
    rileyes Posts: 1,406 Member
    edited April 2015
    To improve the cardiovascular system, you'll have to do cardio, swimming will take care of this. And if you are swimming hard for about 10 min twice a week, that is enough to improve your cardiovascular system.

    For the rest of the body, you'll want to strength train.

    The major motions that will cover almost everything are:

    - Pushing motions (pushing out from the chest, pushing above the head. These are called "presses.")
    - Pulling motions (pulling in towards the chest, pulling down from above the head. These are called "rows.")
    - Squats.
    - Core. (Bicycle crunches, jack knives, planks, motions in the plank position.)

    Do each motion with weights 12 times ("reps"). Then rest briefly. Do 3 groups of 12 (called "sets"). You'll know you've hit the right weight range if by the end of the 12 reps your muscles are fatigued and by the 3rd set of 12, your muscles are seriously strained (they'll tremble slightly.)

    You do not have to use ridiculously high weights. Focus on going slowly and having perfect form.

    This is what works! You can accomplish four sets in just 5 to 15 minutes!
    Begin with just your body weight.
    Time yourself.
    Try to beat your time (without sacrificing form).
    It is all under your control.

    Also what @Capt_Apollo said, "go for a walk".
  • PinkyPie77
    PinkyPie77 Posts: 40 Member
    Thank you everyone!
    Have just hit 10,000 steps for today so am happy with first steps really!! Onwards and upwards!!
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    If you want to lose weight, you will find a way. If you don't, you won't. Best of luck to you.
  • rosaphene2
    rosaphene2 Posts: 7 Member
    From my experience I find if I do not enjoy a particular exercise then I will make excuses not to do it no matter how daft they are.

    Like the others have said swimming is good for you so you are off to a good start. My gym does a class called body pump which is something that can be modified to suit a beginner, just add lighter weights to the barbell and after a few sessions it will feel easier, which you can then add more weights as you improve.

    Think about why you signed up to the gym in the first place, use that as your motivation
  • katarina005
    katarina005 Posts: 259 Member
    I feel the classes are a nice respite, than the "boring" treadmill. I zone out to music, it really helps me. The zumba is fun and anyone can do it. I also like Spinning.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Cancel your gym membership since you "hate it". Start walking it's free and easy on your joints. My last bit of advice try to be more positive, lose the word hate from your vocabulary.
  • canary_girl
    canary_girl Posts: 366 Member
    I love the gym, but after having my first baby I did not want to exercise AT ALL. I lost 30 lbs just by changing my eating habits.

    But, if you have a membership try every class at least 3x. You msy find something you like.