diet pills



  • Brendag228
    Brendag228 Posts: 31 Member
    linux40 wrote: »
    Brendag228 wrote: »
    Are they safe? What's good to take?

    I`m not into dietpills, but wanted to let you know what`s helped me lose weight a bit easier...
    I`m taking green tea-pills, before meals. They`re called "lean green" and really helps, also give me some energy-kick. There`s absolutely a difference using them or not. Worth trying ;)
    I might just look into that. ... thanks
  • Brendag228
    Brendag228 Posts: 31 Member
    Most diet pills are caffeine/stimulant blends with some vitamins and herbs thrown in. You could probably get identical effects from a few cups of coffee before a workout. Save your money unless that effect in pill form is what you're after. There are no diet pills that work completely on their own without proper diet and exercise.
    Yeah I guess
  • snowflakesav
    snowflakesav Posts: 647 Member
    I do not know of a pill you can take that is available over the counter that works without maintaining a calorie deficit. That means that the calorie deficit is responsible for the weight loss and the pill is just a waste of money. I would always suggest you check in with your Dr about any perscriptions you should or should not be on to help you get your weight under control.

    I personally think that great nutrition makes dieting and losing weight easier.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Hmm, the only pounds you'll lose will be from your purse (which probably doesn't work unless you're British).

    As has been said, if they really worked then we'd all be thin, wouldn't we, as anyone overweight would take them to lose weight.

    Eating at a deficit and exercising are the best ways to lose weight :)
  • csteuter
    csteuter Posts: 87 Member
    My hairdresser was prescribed phentermine, and yes, she lost a fairly dramatic amount of weight. HOWEVER, she stressed that she was doing the work with very careful watching of her portion sizes and used a smaller plate for meals and ate high protein bars for breakfast and lunch. Some hairdressers in her salon looked at her great results and said "I'm in!" They got the same prescription for phentermine and lost very little weight. The difference was, they expected the pill to do all the work without them watching their diet or exercising. So, yes, a short term use of a pill that is prescribed by an ethical doctor that knows your medical history can be a very short-term benefit, but long term is not healthy. No real shortcuts - you still have to do the work.
  • Stacey2916
    Stacey2916 Posts: 8 Member
    Different pills work for different people. Phen 375 worked for me in the past. But I tried ECA a month ago because a colleague said her sister lost two dress sizes in a month...but they were useless for me.
    Best way to find the best ones is to experiment, but that's probably a super unhealthy idea.
    Go Natural :)
  • JoRolleNola
    JoRolleNola Posts: 152 Member
    I took phentermine and it worked. Lost 14 lbs in 1 month. The side effects however aren't worth it. My heart constantly raced, I was always grouchy and sometimes violent over the smallest things. Once I stopped taking it, the weight came back fast and then some. If u want quick results than that could do it for u but if u want long term results, go the old fashion way with healthy eating and exercise. Hope this helps u and good luck to ya.
  • Brendag228
    Brendag228 Posts: 31 Member
    Thank you all. .....