Silly question about increasing intake quickly.

Alright, no more bull. Over the past few months, my calories, and weight, have steadily gone down, and it stops now. I can't survive another relapse. I just want to throw out a quick concern: my calories will be going from barely 1300 a day to around 2000 (from today to tomorrow onward). Any harm, aside from physical discomfort?


  • terizius
    terizius Posts: 425 Member
    edited April 2015
    Maybe slightly more fat gain in the beginning? No, I wouldn't worry about it. I started my bulk just over 3 weeks ago, went from baseline of 2190 calories to 2910 the following week. I'm up to about 3110 now as my stomach has expanded some and my appetite has increased. Go for it!
  • tiffanyaiv
    tiffanyaiv Posts: 107 Member
    Good for you, recovery is the only way! Love yourself!!!
  • I'm on week 2 now and I'm starting to feel hungry even after 2500 per day (up from around 1000). Even having some fast/junk food to get up to your calorie goal won't be a big problem as long as you don't make a habit out of it and start to transition to healthier foods once you can easily eat your goal.
    Good luck!
  • MissMary75044
    MissMary75044 Posts: 517 Member
    No harm in increasing your calories. Food is your bodies fuel.
  • Cisseismint
    Cisseismint Posts: 53 Member
    edited April 2015
    I'm no expert, so feel free to disregard what I say, but I don't think I would be nearly doubling my calorie intake overnight. Have you thought about adding an extra 200 daily cals each week, until you are up to you maintenance level? That way you can watch and see how your body responds and adjust as necessary?