Weight loss

MLLeFever Posts: 25 Member
edited April 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
I realize weight loss is not linear, but I've experienced steady weight loss since 12/15/14. This is the first week where the scale has not truly moved. It's been bouncing between 200-204. I was on a pretty severe calorie restriction of gross cal intake of 1450-1550 m-f, and net 1600-1800 on the weekend. I do cardio m-f for 59-65 min and I cut the machines estimated calorie burn in half when documenting which about 450-500 cal (stair mill 16 min, elliptical 30 min, and treadmill at 15% incline at 3.4 mph). I enjoy it, it perks me up for a day in the office, and I generally feel better. I'm now going to schedule some resistsnce training in 3 days a week bc of muscle atrophy.

Since accepting that my calorie restriction was detrimental, I attempted to increase my gross cal intake by 400-500, assuming it would bring me closer to 1-1.5 lb lost per week. Nothing was lost this week. Could this be due to metabolic adaptation? I'm scheduled to meet with my doctor on Tuesday, so I want to be able to talk with him about this, but with my history of disordered eating, ocd, and anxiety, I'm having trouble differentiating between paranoia and possible adaptation. . . And if it is adaptation, which approach would be the best way to correct this? My doctor tends to be more conservative and has been encouraging me to increase my calories to slow down the aggressive weight loss.... My personal goal was to increase calorie consumption to about 2000-2200.

I'm at my lowest weight in a decade, but my waist is still larger than what I like. I'm okay with what I've done, but I would like to lose my flabby belly and get closer to 180.


  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    MLLeFever wrote: »
    This is the first week where the scale has not truly moved.

    Week? Seriously one week??
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Your first sentence says it all: weight loss isn't linear. You went almost four months with losses every week. I'm very jealous.
  • kbunn06
    kbunn06 Posts: 18 Member
    You should increase your calories 100-200 per week until you actually gain 3-5 pounds. At that point you should begin to maintain as your body will now be holding a bit more water. Try to stay there (should be close to your TDEE by that point) for 1-3 weeks to give your body a break. Then you can begin to slowly decrease your calorie intake by 100-200 calories a week until you see losses again. Eat To Perform has awesome explanations of how to up your calorie intake to actually promote fat loss. They post their articles on Facebook all of the time. (I haven't joined, I just read they're articles and have started applying them also as I've been eating too little.)

    I know that it is not fun to not see the scale move every week, but listen to your body. Give it a break and try to move slowly. Results will come, and they will stick around longer when you pace yourself because you'll find the lifestyle easier to maintain.
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    1 week is nothing to worry over. U are over thinking it. Occassionally u might even see a gain! U should try and be prepared for when this happens. As u get closer to goal this is just kinda how it goes.