Weight loss on profile wrong

I tried to post this in technical support and it said I don't have permission, so I'll have to post it here. So I started using MFP about eight months ago at the encouragement of my then-girlfriend who was also an active user but didn't stick with it. I decided to return and I put in my new weight (41lbs down since I started MFP! Over 100lbs down since my heaviest weight!) but for some reason on my profile it still says that I haven't lost any weight. That's kind of a bummer because I'm more than a bit proud and I'd like it to display. What's my problem?


  • Nevermind. It finally updated. Strange.
  • Samakins33
    Samakins33 Posts: 7 Member
    The same thing happened to me! I couldn't figure out how to fix it but when I logged my weight the next week and close the app the next time I logged in it showed the weight loss
  • Kilsharion
    Kilsharion Posts: 6 Member
    I have this problem currently happening. I've logged in three different browsers (firefox, exploder and chrome) and two different machines :(