Day ONE!



  • SmurphyKU
    SmurphyKU Posts: 62 Member
    Welcome! This place is the best! Anyone feel free to add me! :)
  • doglvrangmanhar
    Hi Amy, Today is also the first day of the rest of my life. I have been working on losing my whole life. Plan to make the rest of my days the healthiest. Seeing my mother go down hill and not take care of herself has made me realize what I want to achieve. I wish you all the luck and hope to chat with you and keep each others goals in tack.
  • Cherp18
    Cherp18 Posts: 224 Member
    Welcome Amy! I find logging ... the good AND the bad, really helps. It makes you see what works! This program has been fantastic! Stick with it (first 2 weeks are the hardest) and you'll do well :) YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • MissPatty584
    MissPatty584 Posts: 155 Member

    I just want to wish you luck :) My Number 1 tip is..

    Be honest with yourself, if you have a bad day, couple days, whatever.. Log it! Then move on :)
  • 2720cynthia
    2720cynthia Posts: 45 Member
    Hi Amy!

    My tip is the same: log, log, log. I try not to worry about being perfect every single day, but I do want to log EVERY SINGLE DAY. Unless there's no internet. :) Probably for the rest of my life unless I happen to turn into a different person sometime. You can do it!
  • leahtempest
    Hello!! My name is Leah. I've used myfitness pal before on my cell phone, but never really stuck with it. I have motivation issues lol. But I figured I'm back now and I'd introduce myself and maybe can make a few friends and hoping that will keep me motivated! I'm 23 years old, married and have two beautiful little girls. And Now it's time to work off that baby weight!! :)
  • BeautifulByChoice
    Good luck! I'm new also, you can add me if you would like!
  • trishtrish1
    trishtrish1 Posts: 71 Member
    Please add me if you like - we can all always use more positive energy -

    Trish :)
  • janepatricia2
    janepatricia2 Posts: 40 Member
    hi ! You can add me if you like!
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    Make small changes, don't diet! That will kill your motivation quicker that anything. I started with making sure I ate at least 3 servings of fruits/veggies a day. Because of that, I felt a little more full, so I ate less bad stuff.

    Then, I worked on making sure one meal a day was completely clean (usually breakfast). Now, I'm working on the other two meals.

    You'll find that if you'll stick with it for the first week, you won't crave the "bad food" anymore. Ok, well, maybe every now and then, but you certainly won't want it every meal, or even every day.

    If I want something I shouldn't eat, I eat a small portion of it and make sure I cut back somewhere else so I don't go over my calorie goal for the day. Don't deprive yourself of anything!

    Good luck!
  • carolemack
    carolemack Posts: 1,276 Member
    Welcome Amy!

    First I am going to say something that you probably hear over and over again have such a beautiful face!

    Then I want to say that although everyone is wishing you 'good luck' and they mean it in the most positive way, luck really has nothing to do with it. Commitment and dedication are the tools you need to be successful...commitment to logging everything (yes, I mean everything) that you eat each and every day; dedication to yourself and your goals.

    What I found helpful in the very beginning was to not worry so much about 'dieting' the first week but rather logging everything that I ate and then after a few days looking back over my logs to see where did I think I could make changes and better choices. Just being really aware of what, and how much, I was eating was very helpful.

    I could go on and on (and usually do) suffice it to say the most important things to remember are:

    * weigh all your food
    * log everything, everyday
    * get at least 30 minutes of exercise a day
    * break your long term goals into small chunks to celebrate early successes

    I also find it helpful to read the success stories on MFP when I am struggling. You won't be perfect, none of us are. You will have bad days where you will feel like you blew it...don't let it derail you (this I speak from experience), just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and remember tomorrow is a new day. You will be successful and MFP will help!

    Enjoy the journey, it will be one of many ups and downs, but also of much self discovery. You CAN DO THIS.