Durham, NC: trying not to loose my mind with food tracking

So I had a free test at work and found that my cholesterol is on the climb. Though it isn't really bad yet, I'm going to take control of it. My waist is also increasing and I refuse to buy the next pants size up. I've read online that this may be one of the better apps out there for tracking food values. I love that is has a scanner on the phone version and that it works with Android. So I've been reading the work of Mike Matthews over at muscleforlife.com. I'm going to use his training and weight loss principles to see if I can change my health. Anyone in the area is welcome to say hello and friend me!


  • labeastette
    labeastette Posts: 82 Member
    Hi' I'm not in the area, but just started the same program. Am looking for friends too that I can do this with. Just starting my 2nd week.
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    I find it very easy to track food here. I don't have a smart phone so I don't use scanners or anything, but the existing database of foods is massive and if you eat the same things a lot it is very easy to pick from your recent items every day to log.

    I don't track macros so that would probably make it a little busier but in terms of just logging food and calories it's pretty easy for me.