
Hello everyone :D. I am rather confidant in myself but know I need to loose weight. My weight gathers around my belly which is the danger zone for diabetes. My mother died of diabetes and I really wish to get healthy and not get it. I am currently 93 kilo (200ish pounds) and wish to go down to about 150-180. I do have my goal set at 140 but I know thats on the skinny side, but figured it could help me out. I have my calories set at 1600, but unsure if that is realistic or not. I've never really made myself revisit my life like this, and so I need help. I would like friends to help me, and to create good support system. Thanks!



  • disney41103
    disney41103 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi :) I started at about 215 when I started this journey. I was gestational diabetic with both of my pregnancies and my dr told me at the rate I was going I would have it by the time I was 40. Since that is only a short 3.5 years away now I decided that I needed to do this. I am down 16 pounds. Are you doing any workouts of any kind or are you just trying to do it with diet? I am doing a combination of both. I let the system set my goals based on my ideal weight (125-130 as I am only 5'4") and workout schedule. I currently intake about 1100-1300 calories daily (sometimes more on days I am working out). I work out 3-4 times a week. Even if it is just walking it gets me moving and gets my body processing. I am working with a trainer and she recommended making sure your protein intake is good. (If working out your protein should be about half your body weight daily). Also, anything breaded (even those in healthy choice type meals) is not good. I hope this helps you on your journey! Feel free to friend me if you wish and best of luck!
  • artsyfoxx
    artsyfoxx Posts: 14 Member
    I have 0 plan right now, I let the system set me. I would like to get a gym membership really bad, but right now just relying on my own things, like cycling. My problem is I am a major snacker, and thus I need to stop it. Today was the first day I actually scaled my food intake to see just how much I would normally eat, to what I -should- be eating. What a difference! I think just scaling back my food, will do wonders. I will keep an eye on my protien as I Have an problem with getting enough. Do you have any recipe ideas?