excersising with carpal tunnel

I did 30 day shred yesterday and my wrists ached all night long, I was woken up several times through the night with the pain. Was it the video or just coincidence? Anyone have this, is there something I should do to prevent the pain?


  • ladybird_
    ladybird_ Posts: 55 Member
    Not sure I understand, have you been diagnosed with CT and are wondering about what exercises are available, or have a sore wrist and wondering if it might be CT?
  • dreamweavers4
    I was diagnosed with pregnancy ct, there was a chance it would go away, a chance it would not...it has not! I have had it for 10 years now, giving up hope it will go away! Just wondering if anyone has it and if 30 day shred could be causing my wrists to fare up or if it is just a coincidence that they seemed to happen on the same day. If it is the video are there modifications I can make so that I can keep doing the video?
  • jondy
    jondy Posts: 4 Member
    I found that 30 day shred or any exercise (like planks or certain yoga positions) would flare my CT. I use two wrist guards purchased in any drug store. I find they help support my wrists as my wrists are supporting my weight. Now my wrists don't bother me but now i have a shoulder injury lol..oy vay!..feel better!
  • dreamweavers4
    Oh no, sorry about the injury, thanks for the sugestion! I used to have some braces, but they were very uncomfortable with a big long metal thing in them, I will have to see what I can find :smile: Hope you feel better soon too
  • LeanneGoingThin
    LeanneGoingThin Posts: 215 Member
    I was diagnosed with pregnancy ct, there was a chance it would go away, a chance it would not...it has not! I have had it for 10 years now, giving up hope it will go away! Just wondering if anyone has it and if 30 day shred could be causing my wrists to fare up or if it is just a coincidence that they seemed to happen on the same day. If it is the video are there modifications I can make so that I can keep doing the video?

    What about surgery? My mom had surgery on both and it's completely gone now.
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    I have carpal tunnel in both wrists and an injury to my right elbow (tendonitis and an ulnar induction nerve injury from laying carpet). The only exercises I can do without pain are swimming laps and walking. That's it.

    But the swimming is awesome! I have taken off nearly 20 lbs in a couple of months and my bod is really changing. So I guess I am glad that my condition forced me to find a different path.
  • foodie99
    foodie99 Posts: 92
    I wouldn't wear the braces while you are exercising, but at other times. Also, try doing exercises (like push ups and planks) with your hands in a fist and your knuckles on the floor or with your whole arm (up to the elbow) on the floor. Those positions should take the stress/pressure off your wrist.

    Try a B6 supplement. It seems to have helped mine pain go away.

    Add in some light weight lifting to build strength.
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    I used to have carpal tunnel really bad, my hands would go numb all the time. I would wear braces all night and still my hands would hurt some days. I started taking vitamins and my wrists are fine now. I found out it's a b vitamin deficiency. I usually take a b-100 complex and extra b-6.


    I was taking 500 mg of b-6 every day for weeks for it to heal.