Runner's sour gut


I picked up running about 3 years ago and currently training for my 3rd half marathon. However, I've noticed consistently I get a sour stomach about 6-8 miles in on my long runs. I swear I'm going to get the runs right then but I've learned that if I just keep going wincing through the pain that it will usually go away after a few minutes. Sometimes this can happen several times on a longer run. Anybody else experience this? Why does this happen and what can I do to prevent it? It seems to happen regardless of what I eat or when I eat. I think I would have started training for a full marathon if it wasn't for this happening.




  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I haven't had this problem but I know others that do. Keep in mind it's not always what you eat or don't eat in the hours before a race. What you eat a couple of days before can come back to haunt you on a long run.

    A few things I've read are to avoid fructose, aspirin and ibuprofen. Also make sure you're getting plenty of water in the days before the race. It's too late to hydrate the morning of.