women 5ft 4. who weigh 145-150

How many calories do you eat to maintain this weight? I do not sit much and exercise 4 days a week.


  • Cbefitforlife
    Cbefitforlife Posts: 83 Member
    Anybody wish to comment? I need help!! The more feed back i get helps me see what majority says. Thank you!!#
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Anybody wish to comment? I need help!! The more feed back i get helps me see what majority says. Thank you!!#

    start with what MFP gives you and add/subtract 100 cals per week depending what your weight does
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    5'4 145 lbs. I exercise only moderately. Around 1850 is my maintanance.
  • nlbez
    nlbez Posts: 111 Member
    Im 5 ft 4 and float around 140-145 lb and my daily maintenance works out around 1900 a day. I do eat less Mon-Fri though so i can eat/drink a bit more at the weekend. X
  • Bellodesiderare
    Bellodesiderare Posts: 278 Member
    I'm 5'4.5" and 142. I strength train 3-4x/week and cardio 1-2x/week. I otherwise sit at a desk 10+ hours/day. I eat 1700/day. Like another poster mentioned, I tend to eat at a slight deficit during the week to amass more calories for the weekend :)
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    Adding that I am also yet another that eats under during the week and over during the weekends.
  • rdlewis123
    rdlewis123 Posts: 106 Member
    I am 5'4" and weigh 155. My calorie target for a non-workout day is around 1800. On workout days it can increase to about 2200-2400 depending on the intensity. I normally weight train 3x/week and do zumba twice a week. My weight has not changed much in the last three months so I know my body is building more muscle and decreasing body fat.
  • Cbefitforlife
    Cbefitforlife Posts: 83 Member
    When you weight train, how long? 30min. Etc?
  • Cbefitforlife
    Cbefitforlife Posts: 83 Member
    Thank you so much for all of yout feed back. This is great...and makes sense why i was starving. I was eating 1500 a week, exercising 4 days a week, and not eating back exercise calories...plus i do not sit much.
  • Cbefitforlife
    Cbefitforlife Posts: 83 Member
    Anyone who wants to be my friend...please send request. It is good to know females who are at same height and weight. I do encourage all my people faithfully, and keep a small group so i can do so. I try not to go over 50. If somebody is off for 3mo. I try to at least encourage them. If two weeks later i don't hear from them...i delete. I want same equal encouragement...and to know they want this as bad as i do! I. will be 40 this year. Married with 3 kids.
  • Jennifer_Lynn_1982
    Jennifer_Lynn_1982 Posts: 567 Member
    edited April 2015
    I'm currently trying to lose weight on a slight deficit and am eating 1575 calories/day (not eating exercise calories back) while lifting weights 3 days per week (StrongLifts) and walking 5 days a week for 30 min. I'm currently losing 0.5-1 lbs/week.

    I'm 5'4.5" and 149.5 lbs currently.
  • rdlewis123
    rdlewis123 Posts: 106 Member
    My weight training lasts from 30 min to an hour depending on the workout. I really like the book NEW RULES FOR LIFTING FOR WOMEN. Workouts are intense but SHORT. More bang for the buck!
  • Cbefitforlife
    Cbefitforlife Posts: 83 Member
    I don't go to. Gym, but i have many things to keep me busy. Dvds, maxtrainer bench with free weights. Maxtrainer eliptical, stretchy bands, yoga mat, exercise ball, and a weighted hula hoop! Lol! I know i need to burn between 450-500. If i want to eat decent and not starve. I love food!
  • Cbefitforlife
    Cbefitforlife Posts: 83 Member
    Can i get that book anywhere? I don't have leg weights...so that does make a difference. I try to do lunges and squats to make up for it.
  • rdlewis123
    rdlewis123 Posts: 106 Member
    I bought the book through my kindle app from Amazon. You can get used hard copies from there as well
  • smathews1
    smathews1 Posts: 1 Member
    I am 5'4'' and I am maintaining on around 1900 calories. I am 135, however, but I have been 145 a bit ago and I was maintaining at around 1500 calories. Though I sit all the time... I'm lazy, but I am also young. IDK if this helps :P