Recovering from broken foot!

I'm a runner and recently broke a bone, tore a ligament and sprained my ankle (right foot). I am unable to run until late August. My cast is off after 2weeks and am able to walk and bear weight. Yesterday I forced myself into the Y pool and did laps. For 40 mins! Loved it. Thought I would hate the pool. So swimming is now my exercise and I want to lose 17 pounds. I don't want to keep gaining!!!! Anyone else out there recovering from an injury?


  • Run_Forever
    Run_Forever Posts: 147 Member
    I'm a runner too and I am recovering from a tibia stress fracture. I have been in a boot for 6 weeks now and just got off crutches last week. I have found it very hard to stay focused as there are very few things I am able to do. I am cleared for pool jogging except there are no pools anywhere close to me :(
  • janebshaw
    janebshaw Posts: 168
    Sorry about your accident! I am glad that swimming is working out for you. Swimming is a great low-impact exercise!
  • CubicCutie
    CubicCutie Posts: 53
    Poor you but good on ya to take the plunge - so to speak! May start running again soon but hill walk mostly. Did Tri last year. Open water swimming is fun on a Sunday in the sea here? Great for the endorphins but f-f-freezing cold at 8 degrees.