30 day shred



  • louisemccrea
    louisemccrea Posts: 5 Member
    I'm loving these comments! I'm doing it too. I am using 5lb weights but have to go lighter for the side lunges too. I started about a month ago but I haven't worked out every day so I just started level two. Question? Do you move to the next level at ten days or do you move on when you can do the entire worked doing the harder version (Natalie's moves)? Please add me too
  • mt8998
    mt8998 Posts: 110 Member
    @louisemccrea I'm going to switch to the next level after 10 days, because I would probably get bored and quit if I had to keep doing level 1 until I could easily do the harder version. Right now I can follow natalie with a lot of the moves, except pushups, butt kicks and sometimes with the squats and both front/side lunges (my knees aren't so great)
    Maybe once I've completed the whole thing I'll go back redo it, and push myself to keep up with Natalie, right now though, I'm just focused on completing it, even following the modified work out, you still break a sweat!
    Also I've added you :)
  • MonsoonStorm
    MonsoonStorm Posts: 371 Member
    Don't forget to give yourself rest days. I know it's a "30 day shred" but even Jillian herself said in one of her podcasts that doing all 30 days without rest days was a bad idea if you aren't already exercising every day.

    If you are tired/sore, take a day off then you can give it 110% the following day instead of dragging yourself through it at 75%
  • louisemccrea
    louisemccrea Posts: 5 Member
    I did level two this morning. I did it without weights because I got a sliver in the palm of my hand yesterday while doing yard work. My arms aren't feeling their usual workout but my legs are feeling like jello. I guess I was focusing a lot on my legs because I didn't have to think about my arms this time.

    A friend of mine told me to try Jillian's butt and thigh workout on level two because you don't really need weights and you still get a good upper body workout until my hand heals. Anyone else doing other workouts/videos whole doing shred?
  • mt8998
    mt8998 Posts: 110 Member
    woohooo it took 17days, but I've finally finished level 1 B)
  • becky2t
    becky2t Posts: 23 Member
    I started the 30 day shred yesterday. I thought Jillian was trying to kill me! lol I've got my hubby doing it with me starting today. I read something about rest days. How often are we supposed to do a rest day? The hubs was thinking about doing mon-fri and resting sat-sun. Is that too much rest time?
  • gluteusasssimus
    gluteusasssimus Posts: 18 Member
    I need to get back into doing it! The longest I go is 6 days, then I stop.
  • mt8998
    mt8998 Posts: 110 Member
    Hey how's everyone getting on with the shred? I've started level 2 now, and I'm finding it much harder than the first level, I'm having to follow anita and do the modified exercises.
  • zachwyatt0714
    zachwyatt0714 Posts: 52 Member
    Hello! I just finished day 5 of level 1! Feel free to add me :-) I also had horrible calf pain and had to take a day off yesterday, but I'm feeling great today. Good luck, everyone!!
  • becky2t
    becky2t Posts: 23 Member
    I am on day 5 of level 1. On day 3 I thought I was gonna die afterwards, my right thigh hurt so much all day that it was hard to walk. I was thinking I pulled something but it felt much better on day 4. Maybe I just didn't stretch enough, who knows. I will say I think my endurance is getting better but the cardio part is still kicking my butt. Literally, with the butt kickers! lol

    I am feeling stronger and am finding that working out gives me more mental strength to stick to my calorie goals. When I felt an urge to eat something bad yesterday I tried a couple of things, waited for the urge to pass, drank some water, and reminded myself how hard I had to work for my calorie burn.

    My short-term goal right now is to get into the pants hanging in my closet. I can get them on, but they are a little snug for professional wear. Come on 30 day shred!!! B)
  • JBROC5
    JBROC5 Posts: 37 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hey! I started this with one of MFP buddies and we are on level 2 day7. It really does help to have a buddy! I definitely feel stronger. I love the pendulum lounges, but hate....HATE the chair squats with v flys. They do make me feel good after I am done though. I use 8 lbs for some, 5 for most exercises, and 3 lbs for this chair squats/v flys. Sometimes I even alternate arms if it is particularly tough. I don't like to do more than three days in a row before I take a break, and if I am particularly tired, i do 2 days then brake. She also has another Dvd that you can select the circuits individually depending on what you want to work. Some days I add a couple of those circuits on the end of 30DS.
  • evillottie
    evillottie Posts: 11 Member
    I've just started the Beginners Shred, I'm on day 4 of the first workout :-) I love Jillian Michaels, she's awesome!

    Finding it more challenging than I expected, my arms feel like they're going to fall off by the end of the workout!
  • TashuaC
    TashuaC Posts: 47 Member
    Just starting out. Did day 1 level 1. So out of shape but it is a start.
  • louisemccrea
    louisemccrea Posts: 5 Member
    Just finished my tenth day of level two. Starting level three tomorrow. Anyone else on level three?