
Hi does anyone have any motivation tips and how do I stop feeling hungry all the time


  • rosnigetsfit
    rosnigetsfit Posts: 569 Member
    Drink lots of water. Do you feel hungry because you aren't eating? or Do you still feel hungry after you've eaten?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Hi does anyone have any motivation tips and how do I stop feeling hungry all the time

    make sure you have a moderate calorie deficit (hint: 1200 cals is probably not moderate) and are eating enough protein, fat and fibre.
  • kss1231
    kss1231 Posts: 167 Member
    If you are hungry then eat and log what you eat. Starving yourself will not help you on this journey. This is a lifestyle change, not a diet. Make sure your MFP calories are not set too low and eat back some, not all, of your exercise calories, that should help with your feelings of hunger. Also, drink plenty of water since you can sometimes confuse hunger with thirst. Hope this helps.
  • samistarz
    samistarz Posts: 23 Member
    you need to be able to recognise if it's actual physical hunger or boredom/emotional hunger.

    If it's the first then you would need to eat something - listen to your body but make appropriate low calorie choices for snacks, have your dinner a bit earlier to stop excessive snacking etc.

    if it's boredom or you just want to mindlessly snack then you need to find something to take your mind off it. Get support from someone, phone a friend, do some housework, do some exercise, do some sit-ups, play on your phone/computer for a bit. I find this helps to stave off 'non-hungry hunger'.

    Does that make sense?

    For motivation, you could look at photos of how you are vs how you want to be - take measurements and your weight and look at your progress to see how far you have come. Buy a nice new outfit in the size you want to be and try it on periodically. the more you fit in to it the more motivated you should become :)
  • Lonestar5775
    Lonestar5775 Posts: 740 Member
    Adding friends can help with motivation. As far as feeling hungry, the advice from the previous posters all looks good.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Don't over restrict yourself and get lots of protein and fats to keep you sated.