Which activity level should I choose?

Hi there! I am looking for a bit of help figuring out which activity level I should go with...

I am a SAHM and housewife so I am not sedentary, but not like a nurse/waitress where I am on my feet all day either.... I try every day to do at least 1 load of laundry, wash up our dishes (we don't have a dishwasher), pick up and clean the house. I really only enter my calories that I do for exercise sake (so I don't put in for laundry or doing dishes or general house work unless its deep deep cleaning like scrubbing out the oven :grumble: ). I am trying to lose 2lbs/wk as I have a long way to go. I started at 296.4 and as of this morning I am at 271.0. :smile: What do you think? I am currently at the sedentary level because I do sit for some decent portions of the day when my son is playing/watching tv, but I am not sitting like at a desk for 8 hrs....

What do you all think?


  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I'm a SAHM and I put sedentary. I guess it depends how much you actually walk all day though, but honestly laundry and dishes are not such a huge calorie burn.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Probably Lightly Active.

    I'm a stay at home mom and on an extremely lazy day (or when I'm sick) I can end up being pretty sedentary. On normal days though, before exercise, I'm generally lightly active and can even get closer to active if I run errands. I have my profile set to sedentary, but only because I have a fitbit which adjusts the calories for me depending on how active I am for the day (it will even deduct calories if I'm extremely lazy for the day).

    But based on what you said, I think at least the Lightly Active setting would be the most accurate for you.

    May 15
    10123 steps
    2447 estimated burn according to fitbit (sedentary daily burn on MFP for me is around 2030)
    So for this day my activity level would have been Active

    June 3
    1913 Steps
    1872 estimated burn according to fitbit (sedentary daily burn on MFP for me is around 2030)
    So for this day my activity level was truly sedentary.

    I'd say if you take around 10k steps in a day your Active.
    Around 5k is probably lightly active.
    And anything under 4k is probably Sedentary.

    I should also add, I'm losing at an average of 2lbs per week even though I set everything to lose only 1lb per week.
  • gaylynn35
    gaylynn35 Posts: 854 Member
    I put sedentary for mine! I am a stay at home wife and mother also. I figure that I did the cleaning and laundry before so I don't count it either unless it is something that I don't do very often like deep cleaning.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I'm a SAHM and I use sedentary as well. I wear a pedometer to make sure I move 10K steps a day and that is with an hour + at the gym and the regular household chores.

    People sit more than they realize. Get a pedometer and see how much you move.

    So while I make my 10K+ steps a day do an hour and half at the gym daily, I still put sedentary because mostly that is what I do, sit on the floor to play, sit in the car to drive people around, etc.