Gained back 7lb

Do people think that you have to stay on Mfp permanently, as I seem to gain weight after a few weeks of not logging on, does anyone else have this problem? :/


  • marcianne98
    marcianne98 Posts: 20 Member
    It seems that if you want to maintain your goal weight you should keep using the app indefinately. If you are gaining weight back that you have lost, then you are not disciplined enough to stop counting your calories. Keep up your daily logs. :)
  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    When people start to gain it back (myself included) is definitely when there is less discipline involved. We stop weighing and tracking our food. My sister just told me this weekend as she is in the middle of a long plateau and slow regain... "I've been doing this long enough, I know how many points it is". She was talking about WW but hasn't lost anything for months. Duh...
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    Thin people don't need to use MFP because they do the right things naturally--that's why we hate them.
  • marcianne98
    marcianne98 Posts: 20 Member
    Thin people don't always eat They oftentimes have a faster metabolism.
  • Kat78956
    Kat78956 Posts: 27 Member
    edited April 2015
    I dont think you will always have to use MFP, as eventually you will just change what you want to eat. I never thought it possible but after a month of having no refined sugars (just fruit) I honestly didnt miss it or crave it. Then I cracked and fell off the wagon big time so its back onto recording everything.

    I also think it is SUPER easy to forget how many calories are in things and what the equivalent exercise you need to burn that is. For me 15minutes of working really hard on a rowing machine is the same as half (yes just half) of a hot cross bun! So I think logging the food and the exercise helps as then you can visibly see the maths!